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didattica:ay2425:rm:main [2025/03/04 13:22] – [News] a.morichettadidattica:ay2425:rm:main [2025/03/11 16:27] (current) – [General Info] a.morichetta
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 **Scheduling of Lectures**: **Scheduling of Lectures**:
 +  * Course material [[https://classroom.google.com/c/NzUzNzM3MDAxMDc5?cjc=a6bghf3|link]] (Please join the classroom link with your Unicam account)
   * Scheduling is available at the following [[:didattica:ay2425:orario_en|link]]   * Scheduling is available at the following [[:didattica:ay2425:orario_en|link]]
  • didattica/ay2425/rm/main.1741090970.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2025/03/04 13:22
  • by a.morichetta