====== Security by Design ====== ---- ===== News ===== There is not any news. ---- ===== General Info ===== **Teacher**: * [[https://docenti.unicam.it/pdett.aspx?ids=N&tv=d&UteId=572|Prof. Luca Tesei]] **ESSE3 Link** * [[https://unicam.coursecatalogue.cineca.it/insegnamenti/2023/11169/2016/9999/10025?coorte=2023&schemaid=3708|Security by Design - AY 2023/24]] **Lectures Recordings, Material, Information** * All is available through the Google Classroom Platform. Register here: [[https://classroom.google.com/c/NTg5NzY2MTUzNTUw?cjc=2naatya]] being logged in with your name.surname@studenti.unicam.it account **Scheduling of Lectures**: * **Thursday** 4pm - 6pm Room AB1 * **Friday** 11am - 1pm Rooma AB1 * Variations will be communicated through the Google Classroom Platform (see above) **Degrees**: * [[didattica:mscs|MSc in Computer Science (LM-18)]] ----