====== Blockchain for Distributed Applications ====== ---- ===== News ===== - **The Course will start October 5th** - __Please join the classroom link below for receive information and news about the course__ ---- ===== General Info ===== **Teacher**: * [[https://didattica.unicam.it/Guide/PaginaDocente.do?docente_id=3774|Prof. Andrea Morichetta]] **ESSE3 Link** * [[https://didattica.unicam.it/Guide/PaginaADErogata.do?ad_er_id=2022*N0*N0*S2*19180*10591&ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2022&mostra_percorsi=S|Blockchain for Distributed Applications - AY 2022/23]] **Scheduling of Lectures**: * Scheduling is available at the following [[:didattica:ay2223:orario_en|link]] * Wednesday 11-13 (LB1) * Thursday 11-13 (LB1) **Degrees**: * [[didattica:mscs|MSc in Computer Science (LM-18)]] **Course Material and Info** * **__Please join the following classroom__** [[https://classroom.google.com/c/NDg5OTI2NDYzNDMx?cjc=7r2lqn7|Link]] ----