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MSc In Computer Science

Nowadays, Computer Science has applications in several fields, that are very different from each other and in constant increasing number. UNICAM proposes the Master Degree in Computer Science (Laurea Magistrale) to allow graduate students in Computer Science to specialize their knowledge, competences and skills. Different specialization programmes are proposed within the Master Degree together with the possibility to gain, in addition to the UNICAM degree, a Master degree awarded by a partner University (Double Degree). The degree, being in collaboration with European and international institutions, is completely taught in English. Students at UNICAM are immersed in an international environment with foreign students coming from different countries.

More detailed info are available at the following link.

For previews academic year, please refer to the old wiki page.

1st year (Enrolled in 2021 - 2022)

2nd year (Enrolled in 2020 - 2021)


  • didattica/mscs.1632039990.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 10:26
  • by michele