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didattica:classrooms:main [2016/11/25 11:18]
mescal [Classrooms and Offices Location]
didattica:classrooms:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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-Starting from December 2016 the computer science division, professors offices and classrooms, has been relocated ​in  +Starting from December 2016 the computer science division, professors' ​offices and classrooms ​have been relocated ​at:  
-  * Polo Informatico "​Carla ​Ludovici" - via Madonna della Carceri, 9 - 62032 Camerino +  * Polo Informatico "​Carla ​Lodovici" - via Madonna della Carceri, 9 - 62032 Camerino ​(see the map below or open it on [[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=10W1TmPyqxswFrcPE8YGssvFqZgI&​usp=sharing |Google Maps]])
-===== Battibocca Palace - Professors Offices ​ =====+
-  * [[didattica:​classrooms:​battiboccadoc|Professors Offices]] 
-===== Buildings Location ===== 
-{{ :​didattica:​classrooms:​ludovici.png?​nolink&​1000 |}}+[[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=10W1TmPyqxswFrcPE8YGssvFqZgI&​usp=sharing |{{ :​didattica:​classrooms:​ludovici.png?​nolink&​900 | }}]] 