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didattica:freecredits:socialtechnologyinnovation:main2015 [2016/02/05 15:12] external edit
didattica:freecredits:socialtechnologyinnovation:main2015 [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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-====== ​Page Course Template (please update) ​======+====== ​Social Technology Innovation ​======
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
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 <WRAP box round 95% center> <WRAP box round 95% center>
 **Teacher**: ​ **Teacher**: ​
-  * [[http://www.cs.unicam.it/​|Teacher name and web site]] +  * [[http://docenti.unicam.it/pdett.aspx?​ids=N&​tv=d&​UteId=88&​ru=PROFCONTR|Alberto Polzonetti]] 
 **Lessons schedule**: **Lessons schedule**:
-  * 1st time slot +  * Monday, 3pm - 6pm (Room, L. Lamport)
-  * 2nd time slot +
-  * 3rd time slot+
-**Students ​reception ​hours**: +**Students ​Office ​hours**: 
-  * Xday from x(a|p)m to y(a|p)m+  * Sempre previo appuntamento tramite ​ posta elettronica ​(alberto.polzonetti@unicam.it)
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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