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didattica:magistrale:ay_1516 [2016/02/14 23:54]
mescal [List of Courses Activated in the Academic Year 2015/2016]
didattica:magistrale:ay_1516 [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ====== MSc In Computer Science ====== ====== MSc In Computer Science ======
 +===== Lessons Schedule =====
 +  * {{:​didattica:​magistrale:​timetables:​orario_lezione_2_semestre_-_docenti_-_lm18.pdf|LM-18}}
 ===== List of Courses Activated in the Academic Year 2015/2016 ===== ===== List of Courses Activated in the Academic Year 2015/2016 =====
 **1st year** ​ **1st year** ​
 <WRAP center round box 95%> <WRAP center round box 95%>
-  * [[didattica:​magistrale:​englishb2:​ay_1516:​main|English Language (B2 Level)]] +  * [[didattica:​magistrale:​englishb2:​ay_1516:​main|English Language (B2 Level)]] ​(6 CFU) 
-  * [[didattica:​magistrale:​smv:​ay_1516:​main|Software Modeling and Verification (SMV)]] Curriculum +  ​* [[didattica:​magistrale:​csd:​ay_1516:​main|Complex System Design]] (12 CFU) 
-  * [[didattica:​magistrale:​ess:​ay_1516:​main|Enterprise Software Systems (ESS)]] Curriculum + 
-  * [[didattica:​magistrale:​ssi:​ay_1516:​main|Software and Systems for Industries (SSI)]] Curriculum+  * Exams depending from the curriculum (30 CFU): 
 +    ​* [[didattica:​magistrale:​smv:​ay_1516:​main|Software Modeling and Verification (SMV)]] Curriculum 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​ess:​ay_1516:​main|Enterprise Software Systems (ESS)]] Curriculum 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​ssi:​ay_1516:​main|Software and Systems for Industries (SSI)]] Curriculum 
 +  * Degree Selection (for all curricula - 6 CFU): 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​toc:​ay_1516:​main|Theory of Complexity]] (6 CFU) 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​qnm:​ay_1516:​main|Queuing Networks: Modeling]] (6 CFU) 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​fms:​ay_1516:​main|Financial Management and Strategy]] (6 CFU) 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​seii:​ay_1516:​main|Software Engineering II]] (6 CFU) 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​nf:​ay_1516:​main|Networking Fundamentals (CISCO I-II)]] (6 CFU) 
 +  * Free Choice Exams (6 CFU) 
 +    * [[didattica:​freecredits:​socialtechnologyinnovation:​main2015|Social Technology Innovation]] 
 +    * [[didattica:​freecredits:​advancedbusinessmanagement:​main2015|Advanced Business Management]] 
 +    * [[didattica:​freecredits:​comunicareweb:​main2015|Comunicare con il Web]] 
 +    * [[didattica:​freecredits:​ehealth:​main2015|e-Health and Telemedicine]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 **2nd year** **2nd year**
 <WRAP center round box 95%> <WRAP center round box 95%>
 +<wrap info>​Please look for the courses of your interest among the ones listed above or in the pages of each curriculum. Students enrolled at the second year of the MSc in Computer Science should follow the selection rules reported at the following [[didattica:​choiceexams:​main|page]]</​wrap>​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​