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didattica:magistrale:dcc:ay_1516:main [2016/03/02 10:14]
indrit [Course Contents]
didattica:magistrale:dcc:ay_1516:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>**Insert the date here**</​wrap>​: the course web site is now on-line +  * <wrap em>**February 29nd, 2016**</​wrap>:​ The page is on-line ​
-  * **February 29nd, 2016**: The page is on-line ​+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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   * Wednesday, 11am - 1pm (Room, D. M. Ritchie)   * Wednesday, 11am - 1pm (Room, D. M. Ritchie)
-**Students ​reception ​hours**: +**Students ​Office ​hours**: 
-  * Tuesday 5:​30pm ​7:30pm,  Palazzo Battibocca - 2nd Piano - Room n.CS-05+  * Monday 4pm 6pm,  Palazzo Battibocca - 2nd Piano - Room n.CS-05
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
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 <WRAP box round 95% center> <WRAP box round 95% center>
-The course intends blablabla....+  - Be able to characterize the modelling of complex systems. 
 +  - Be able to apply methods, languages and techniques of the distributed calculus and coordination in modelling complex systems. 
 +  - Be able to design a multiagent system using prototyping environment. 
 +  - Be able to characterize the evolution of a model with the analysis of real phenomenological data
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 <WRAP round 95% center box> <WRAP round 95% center box>
-  - Modelli di Calcolo Distribuitoalgebre di processo; CCS-like +  - Models and languages for distributed Calculusprocess algebraic calculi, rule-based (CHAM), membrane-based (P-Systems). 
-  - Modelli e linguaggi di CoordinazioneLINDA, Klaim +  - Coordination models and languagesLinda, Klaim 
-  - Paradigmi di programmazione concorrenteagent-oriented, ​actor-based +  - Concurrent Programming paradigmsAgent-oriented, ​Actor-based. 
-  - Ambienti di modellizzazione e prototipizzazione di sistemi multiagente: REPAST +  - Multiagent modelling and simulation environments: REPAST 
-  - Modelli guidati dall'​analisi topologica dei dati: S[B]+  - Topological data analysis for driven modelling: S[B]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
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   * Winter session dates here (2016)   * Winter session dates here (2016)
 **Exam rules**: ​ **Exam rules**: ​
 +  * Homeworks 
 +  * Development of a project (group or individual assignment).
 ** Exam Results ** ** Exam Results **
   * N/A   * N/A
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​