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didattica:magistrale:dsfl:ay_1617:main [2016/12/23 12:01]
tiezzi [Study material]
didattica:magistrale:dsfl:ay_1617:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>**Next lecture**</​wrap>​December 6th, 2016 - 9am-11am+  * Lesson of 26th of January is postponed, due to the graduation day 
 +  ​January 10th, 2017First in itinere test
   * October 18th, 2016: this lecture is postponed   * October 18th, 2016: this lecture is postponed
   * October 3rd, 2016: first lecture   * October 3rd, 2016: first lecture
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   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​klaim.pdf | Klaim }}   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​klaim.pdf | Klaim }}
   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​foundational_calculi_for_network_aware_programming_.pdf |Calculi for network-aware programming}}   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​foundational_calculi_for_network_aware_programming_.pdf |Calculi for network-aware programming}}
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​soc.pdf |An overview of SOC}}
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​cows.pdf |COWS}}
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​analysis_with_cows.pdf |Analysis of SOC systems with COWS}}
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​facpl.pdf |FACPL}}
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​dsfl:​ay_1617:​klava-2b.jar.zip |Klava}}
 **Lectures** **Lectures**
   * [[https://​cmr-em.webex.com/​cmr-em-it/​lsr.php?​RCID=b1039645fcadce9edb96edaba2dbdbf8|13 December]]   * [[https://​cmr-em.webex.com/​cmr-em-it/​lsr.php?​RCID=b1039645fcadce9edb96edaba2dbdbf8|13 December]]
   * [[https://​cmr-em.webex.com/​cmr-em-it/​lsr.php?​RCID=2631ee5d47f8a455312da26ec673813a|16 December]]   * [[https://​cmr-em.webex.com/​cmr-em-it/​lsr.php?​RCID=2631ee5d47f8a455312da26ec673813a|16 December]]
-  * [[https://unicam.webex.com/unicam/​ldr.php?RCID=bb1186754e2e78b39547a212734b087e|20 December]] (password: pBGM3hmq) +  * [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2v4obBsNmUOdUhJRHlwMzVuQTg|20 December]] (password: pBGM3hmq) 
-  * [[https://unicam.webex.com/unicam/​ldr.php?RCID=3e318fcaae2d72abfa56ced888363512|23 December]] (password: gYevPmJ2)+  * [[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2v4obBsNmUOOGZFeDVHdm1MOUU|23 December]] (password: gYevPmJ2) 
 +  * [[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=0B2v4obBsNmUOdEprVFdwYmFfY1E|13 January]] (password: tPbbSnN2) 
 +  * [[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=0B2v4obBsNmUOa2RtRXQyTDQ4cEE|27 January]] (password: kJF4Yxf9) 
 +  * [[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=0B2v4obBsNmUOLTY3SklQMHR0Xzg|2 February]] (password: gYEQ6a6c) 
 +  * [[https://​drive.google.com/​open?​id=0B2v4obBsNmUONjZ2eURucHlRclE|9 February]]
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 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
 **Exam Dates A.Y. 2016/2017** **Exam Dates A.Y. 2016/2017**
-  * Appello I: 06/02/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello I: 28/02/2017 ore 14:00 - Polo Lodovici ​AB1 
-  * Appello II: 27/02/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello II: 16/03/2017 ore 14:00 - Polo Lodovici ​AB1 
-  * Appello III: 19/06/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello III: 19/06/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici 
-  * Appello IV: 10/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello IV: 10/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici 
-  * Appello V: 26/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello V: 26/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici 
-  * Appello VI: 8/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello VI: 8/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici 
-  * Appello VII: 22/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale) +  * Appello VII: 22/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici 
-  * Appello VIII: 20/10/2017 ore 10:00 - Palazzo Informatica (ex-tribunale)+  * Appello VIII: 20/10/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
 **Exam rules**:​\\ ​ **Exam rules**:​\\ ​