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didattica:magistrale:ebpm:ay_1920:main [2019/09/21 22:19]
barbara [General Information]
didattica:magistrale:ebpm:ay_1920:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>**21 September ​2019 **</​wrap>​ Lessons will start on Monday - 30 Sectember 2019.+  * <wrap em>**October 2nd, 2019**</​wrap>​Lessons will start!!! Enjoying
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 **Lecture**: ​ **Lecture**: ​
   * [[https://​barbarare.wordpress.com/​ |Barbara Re]]    * [[https://​barbarare.wordpress.com/​ |Barbara Re]] 
 +**ESSE3 Link**
 +  * [[https://​didattica.unicam.it/​Guide/​PaginaADContest.do?​ad_cont_id=10025*9982*2019*2016*9999&​ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2019&​ANNO_COORTE=2019&​ANNO_REVISIONE=2019|Enterprise Business Process Modeling - AY 2019/2020]]
 **Lessons Scheduling (Tentative)**:​ **Lessons Scheduling (Tentative)**:​
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   * The students will gain some familiarity with enterprise and business process terminology,​ with different frameworks, models and languages for the representation of enterprise and business processes. ​   * The students will gain some familiarity with enterprise and business process terminology,​ with different frameworks, models and languages for the representation of enterprise and business processes. ​
   * The students will be able to model business processes in static and dynamic environment and to apply the most common techniques for Business Process analysis   * The students will be able to model business processes in static and dynamic environment and to apply the most common techniques for Business Process analysis
-  * The students will also be familiar with some process modelling tools.+  * The students will also be familiar with some process modelling tools
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
 **Slides** are available in the following: ​ **Slides** are available in the following: ​
-  * Course Introduction - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_1_-_course_presentation.pdf |Slide}}+  * Course Introduction -  {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_1_-_course_presentation.pdf |Slide}}
   * Enterprise Architecture Frameworks - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_2_-_enterprisearchitecture_zachman.pdf |Slides}}   * Enterprise Architecture Frameworks - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_2_-_enterprisearchitecture_zachman.pdf |Slides}}
     * Video: [[https://​player.vimeo.com/​video/​143054781|Guest lecture by John Zachman - The Practice of Enterprise Architecture]] (password: Camerino)     * Video: [[https://​player.vimeo.com/​video/​143054781|Guest lecture by John Zachman - The Practice of Enterprise Architecture]] (password: Camerino)
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   * Archimate - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_3_-_archimate.pdf |slide}}   * Archimate - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_3_-_archimate.pdf |slide}}
     * Video: [[https://​www.youtube.com/​playlist?​list=PLB8F2ECDADEE616AA |The Open Group Playlist on Archimate]] ​     * Video: [[https://​www.youtube.com/​playlist?​list=PLB8F2ECDADEE616AA |The Open Group Playlist on Archimate]] ​
-    * Exercises on Modelling - Motivation @ UniCam: ​{{ :didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​motivation.pdf |pdf}}- {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​motivation2.pdf |pdf}} +    * Exercises on Modelling - {{ https://docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1lZNSy8lzq0LVoszaJL4dySfYuuR3vNjm6uiXDdLiEKs/​edit ​Exercise}} 
-    * Exercises on Modelling -  ​{{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​example.pdf |Exercise ​ Beta Corporation }}  {{ https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1lZNSy8lzq0LVoszaJL4dySfYuuR3vNjm6uiXDdLiEKs/​edit | Exercise}}+    * Manifesto Archimate ​{{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​archi_mate_reference.pdf |pdf}}
   * Process Introduction {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_4_-_process_introduction.pdf |pdf}}   * Process Introduction {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_4_-_process_introduction.pdf |pdf}}
   * BPMN {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_5_-_bpmn.pdf |pdf}} ​   * BPMN {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_5_-_bpmn.pdf |pdf}} ​
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     * What is wrong? {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​omilabtest_3.pdf |Pdf}}     * What is wrong? {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​omilabtest_3.pdf |Pdf}}
     * The interplay between data, instance and messages - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​midapresentation.pdf |pdf}} - [[http://​pros.unicam.it/​mida-multiple-instances-and-data-animator/​ |MIDA TOOL]] [[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1pWgixBROYUG9JaetAxsbOqSTx8OhT9vfcQLQWUO72cA/​edit|doc]]     * The interplay between data, instance and messages - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​midapresentation.pdf |pdf}} - [[http://​pros.unicam.it/​mida-multiple-instances-and-data-animator/​ |MIDA TOOL]] [[https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1pWgixBROYUG9JaetAxsbOqSTx8OhT9vfcQLQWUO72cA/​edit|doc]]
 +  * Choreography Modelling - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_5_-_bpmnchoreography.pdf |pdf}}
 +      * From Choreography to Collaboration and viceversa - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​c4_edoc.pdf |Reading pdf}}
 +      * Walking Through the Semantics of Exclusive and Event-Based Gateways in BPMN Choreographies {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​palamidessi-camera-ready.pdf |Reading pdf}}
   * BPMN Formalization ​   * BPMN Formalization ​
     * Mapping From BPMN to Petri Nets - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_11_-_mapping_from_bpmn_to_petrinets.pdf |pdf}} [[https://​www.sciencedirect.com/​science/​article/​pii/​S0950584908000323 | paper]]     * Mapping From BPMN to Petri Nets - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_11_-_mapping_from_bpmn_to_petrinets.pdf |pdf}} [[https://​www.sciencedirect.com/​science/​article/​pii/​S0950584908000323 | paper]]
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   * Conformance checking: eCRG - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_14_-_compliance_rule_graph.pdf |pdf}}   * Conformance checking: eCRG - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_14_-_compliance_rule_graph.pdf |pdf}}
   * Decision Modelling and DMN - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_15_-_decisionmodelling_and_dmn.pdf |pdf}}   * Decision Modelling and DMN - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_15_-_decisionmodelling_and_dmn.pdf |pdf}}
-  * Choreography Modelling - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​slide_16_-_bpmnchoreography.pdf |pdf}} +
-  * From Choreography to Collaboration and viceversa - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​c4_edoc.pdf |Reading pdf}}+
   * Exam Simulation - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​simulazione.pdf |pdf}} - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​possibleexercise.rtf |possible exercise note}}   * Exam Simulation - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​simulazione.pdf |pdf}} - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​ebpm:​ay_1920:​possibleexercise.rtf |possible exercise note}}
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   * 2 h   * 2 h
-** Exam Results ** 
-  * ... 
-  * ... 
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