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didattica:magistrale:eda:ay_1819:main [2019/05/19 18:10]
massimo [News]
didattica:magistrale:eda:ay_1819:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
 +   * <wrap em>**New exam date**</​wrap>:​ 5th of december, room to be fixed 
 +   * <wrap em>​**Exam results**</​wrap>:​ results for the writing session of 5th of September 2019 are available [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1jiDzFYzXAffAkKyoVlHe6ynAkzS7tZbv/​view?​usp=sharing | here]] ​
 +   * <wrap em>​**Exam rules update**</​wrap>:​ students must confirm their presence to the next exam sessions at least 5 days before the exam date.
 +   * <wrap em>
 +   ​**Projects update**</​wrap>:​ projects are available [[https://​drive.google.com/​drive/​folders/​1KSrXuj1o9cawKBgtP2epSN6QIbGgol8W?​usp=sharing | here]] ​
 +   * <wrap em>​**Exam results**</​wrap>:​ results for the writing session of 27th of June 2019 are available [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1mfAJ_f6NId5BGgcUqIoDrFZuQ6OfX-ae/​view?​usp=sharing | here]] ​
    * <wrap em>​**Course update**</​wrap>:​ projects have been published [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t-iwy3SD7LpzGmim4IgpXWT3JeU0ev-5xQrr4J-b430/​edit?​usp=sharing|here]]. More details will be given during the next lessons.    * <wrap em>​**Course update**</​wrap>:​ projects have been published [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t-iwy3SD7LpzGmim4IgpXWT3JeU0ev-5xQrr4J-b430/​edit?​usp=sharing|here]]. More details will be given during the next lessons.
    * <wrap em>​**Lessons update**</​wrap>:​ for the second part of the lesson planned for 16th of May, students are invited to attend the seminary "​Data-driven methods for modeling critically-ill patients affected by atrial fibrillation"​ 16:30 room AB1.    * <wrap em>​**Lessons update**</​wrap>:​ for the second part of the lesson planned for 16th of May, students are invited to attend the seminary "​Data-driven methods for modeling critically-ill patients affected by atrial fibrillation"​ 16:30 room AB1.
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 ===== Exams ===== ===== Exams =====
 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
-**Exam Dates A.Y. 2018/​2019 ​(tentative)**+**Exam Dates A.Y. 2018/2019**
   * 27/06/2019 - 15:00   * 27/06/2019 - 15:00
-  * 18/07/2019 - 15:00+  * 11/07/2019 - 15:00 
 +  * 01/08/2019 - 15:00
   * 05/09/2019 - 15:00   * 05/09/2019 - 15:00
   * 26/09/2019 - 15:00   * 26/09/2019 - 15:00
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 **Project files**: ​ **Project files**: ​
   * Projects description {{ https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t-iwy3SD7LpzGmim4IgpXWT3JeU0ev-5xQrr4J-b430/​edit?​usp=sharing | link}}   * Projects description {{ https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t-iwy3SD7LpzGmim4IgpXWT3JeU0ev-5xQrr4J-b430/​edit?​usp=sharing | link}}
 +  * Projects completed [[https://​drive.google.com/​drive/​folders/​1KSrXuj1o9cawKBgtP2epSN6QIbGgol8W?​usp=sharing | link]]
   * Rules are discussed in the first lesson slide.   * Rules are discussed in the first lesson slide.