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didattica:magistrale:esp:ay_1819:main [2018/09/27 16:05]
didattica:magistrale:esp:ay_1819:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
Line 14: Line 14:
 **ESSE3 Link** **ESSE3 Link**
   * [[https://​didattica.unicam.it/​Guide/​PaginaADErogata.do?​ad_er_id=2018*N0*N0*S1*13529*9103&​ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2018&​mostra_percorsi=S|Embedded Systems Programming - AY 2018/2019]]   * [[https://​didattica.unicam.it/​Guide/​PaginaADErogata.do?​ad_er_id=2018*N0*N0*S1*13529*9103&​ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2018&​mostra_percorsi=S|Embedded Systems Programming - AY 2018/2019]]
-**Lessons schedule**: 
-  *  
 **Students Office hours**: **Students Office hours**:
-  * +Wednesday from 15:00 to 17:00
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
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 <WRAP box round 95% center> <WRAP box round 95% center>
-The course intends blablabla....+[[https://​didattica.unicam.it/​Guide/​PaginaADErogata.do?​ad_er_id=2018*N0*N0*S1*13529*9103&​ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2018&​mostra_percorsi=S|Embedded Systems Programming - AY 2018/2019]].
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 <WRAP round 95% center box> <WRAP round 95% center box>
-....+[[https://​didattica.unicam.it/​Guide/​PaginaADErogata.do?​ad_er_id=2018*N0*N0*S1*13529*9103&​ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2018&​mostra_percorsi=S|Embedded Systems Programming - AY 2018/2019]]
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
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 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
 **Course Slides** **Course Slides**
-  * slide 1st lesson +[[https://​drive.google.com/​drive/​folders/​1xan8avZvAszDvCjv5M0gZwyB2cl6JvFG?​usp=sharing|External Link]]
-  *  +
- +
-**Reference books** +
-  * 1st book +
-  * 2nd book +
-  * ..+
-  * +
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
 ===== Exams ===== ===== Exams =====
 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
-**Exam Dates A.Y2016/2017** +[[https://​didattica.unicam.it/ListaAppelliOfferta.do;​jsessionid=D2B3F35EE1630EB79BCAF49C045EDBFE.esse3-unicam-prod-01|External Link]]
-  * Winter session dates here  +
-  * Summer session dates here +
-  * Autumn session dates here +
-  * Winter session dates here (2016) +
-**Exam rules**:  +
- +
-** Exam Results ** +
-  * N/A+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​