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didattica:magistrale:frs:ay_2021:main [2020/12/17 08:41]
tiezzi [News]
didattica:magistrale:frs:ay_2021:main [2021/01/12 11:04] (current)
tiezzi [News]
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>Next lectures: ​12/1/2021 Second in itinere test; 19/1/2021 Projects'​ presentations.</​wrap>​+  ​* 19/1/2021: Projects'​ presentations. 
 +  ​* <wrap em>​12/​1/​2021Second in itinere test: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​frs:​ay_2021:​frs_written_test_12_jan_2021.pdf |partial test}} and {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​frs:​ay_2021:​frs_written_test_12_jan_2021_full.pdf |full test}}.</​wrap>​
   * 08/11/2020: The lectures of 10/11 and 11/11 are postponed. Next lecture will take place on 17/11.   * 08/11/2020: The lectures of 10/11 and 11/11 are postponed. Next lecture will take place on 17/11.
   * 04/11/2020: First partial exam.    * 04/11/2020: First partial exam.