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didattica:magistrale:lcp:ay_1920:main [2020/05/12 10:29]
tiezzi [Study material]
didattica:magistrale:lcp:ay_1920:main [2021/03/18 09:13] (current)
tiezzi [Study material]
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>​**13/​4/​2020**:​ the lectures of 14 and 15 March are postponed; the updated schedules of the next lectures is reported below.</​wrap>​+  * <wrap em>Guidelines for the projects'​ presentations:</​wrap>​ date and time: 3rd of June, 14:​00-16:​00;​ venue: https://​unicam.webex.com/​meet/​francesco.tiezzi;​ presentation of the work: I expect a presentation with slides, and a demo of the implemented application,​ you do not need to write a report; presentation duration: 15 minutes (20 minutes at most); material: please, send me the slides and the developed code (it is fine to send it the same day of the exam). 
 +  * **13/​4/​2020**:​ the lectures of 14 and 15 March are postponed; the updated schedules of the next lectures is reported below.
   * **24/​3/​2020**:​ the lecture of 24 March will start later; the beginning of the lecture is delayed to 10:00.   * **24/​3/​2020**:​ the lecture of 24 March will start later; the beginning of the lecture is delayed to 10:00.
   * **17/​3/​2020**:​ the 3rd hour of the lecture of today is postponed, due to problem with Webex.   * **17/​3/​2020**:​ the 3rd hour of the lecture of today is postponed, due to problem with Webex.
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   * 05/05 (09:​00-12:​00):​ Drools 2 ([[https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​6d69de9a092748f8968351a7d6e919a8|recorded lecture]])   * 05/05 (09:​00-12:​00):​ Drools 2 ([[https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​6d69de9a092748f8968351a7d6e919a8|recorded lecture]])
   * 06/05 (14:​00-16:​00):​ Drools 3 ([[https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​2d0bc1a0fecf48b0a5b80805de179db3|recorded lecture]])   * 06/05 (14:​00-16:​00):​ Drools 3 ([[https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​2d0bc1a0fecf48b0a5b80805de179db3|recorded lecture]])
-  * 12/05 (09:00-10:00): Discussion about projects. +  * 12/05 (09:00-11:00): Discussion about projects. 
-  * 26/05 (09:00-11:00): Discussion about projects.+  * 26/05 (09:00-10:00): Discussion about projects.
   * 03/06 (14:​00-16:​00):​ Projects'​ presentations.   * 03/06 (14:​00-16:​00):​ Projects'​ presentations.
 **Practical sessions** **Practical sessions**
   * 11/03/2020: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​20200311_exercises.zip |exercises}} - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​20200311_solutions.zip |solutions}}   * 11/03/2020: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​20200311_exercises.zip |exercises}} - {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​20200311_solutions.zip |solutions}}
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   * 07/04/2020: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​exercises_ch5_lcp2020.zip |exercises}} {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​exercises_ch5_solutions_lcp2020.zip |solutions}} {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​homework.zip |homework}} {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​ex6_solution_lcp20.zip |solution}}   * 07/04/2020: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​exercises_ch5_lcp2020.zip |exercises}} {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​exercises_ch5_solutions_lcp2020.zip |solutions}} {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​homework.zip |homework}} {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​ex6_solution_lcp20.zip |solution}}
   * 08/04/2020: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​ex10_lcp20.zip |exercise}}   * 08/04/2020: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​lcp:​ay_1920:​ex10_lcp20.zip |exercise}}
 **Reference books** **Reference books**