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didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_2021:main [2021/05/19 11:00]
barbara [Study material]
didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_2021:main [2021/06/04 08:51] (current)
barbara [Study material]
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   * [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​ldr.php?​RCID=5ce6d9d6a6ac41c2bfba72949228afe1 ​ | Video Recording 13.05.2021]]   * [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​ldr.php?​RCID=5ce6d9d6a6ac41c2bfba72949228afe1 ​ | Video Recording 13.05.2021]]
   * [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​ldr.php?​RCID=8f702a3901284109a94b755a36968a42 ​ | Video Recording 19.05.2021]]  ​   * [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​ldr.php?​RCID=8f702a3901284109a94b755a36968a42 ​ | Video Recording 19.05.2021]]  ​
-  * [[  | Video Recording 26.05.2021]] ​ * Project discussion - each student will have 5 minutes to present the project he/she did or intend to do. +  * [[https://​unicam.webex.com/unicam/ldr.php?​RCID=63acdcfd1f023a14dc7be2686d603cfa ​| Video Recording 03.06.2021]]
-  * [[  | Video Recording 27.05.2021]] ​  +
-  * [[  ​| Video Recording 03.06.2021]] ​ +
   ​   ​