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didattica:magistrale:spm:ay_1819:main [2019/01/31 11:17]
a.morichetta [News]
didattica:magistrale:spm:ay_1819:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>​**Last Sprint Meeting scheduled for 21 February 2019!**</​wrap> ​ +  * <wrap em>**March 8th, 2019**</​wrap>:​ the solution to the February 27th exam has been uploaded - see below Exam section 
-  All the members of the groups should present at least one aspect of the project. We will evaluate: ​   +  * **February 8th, 2019**: the solution to the February 6th exam has been uploaded - see below Exam section 
-    - User stories  +  * **January 31st, 2019**: the solution to the mock exam has been uploaded 
-    - Quantity and quality of commits on the Github project  +  * **Last Sprint Meeting scheduled for 21 February 2019!** 
-    - Presence and quality of the wiki on the Github project  +    * Unordered List Item All the members of the groups should present at least one aspect of the project. We will evaluate: ​   
-    - Tool usability  +      - User stories  
-    - Amount and quality of tests developed for the application  +      - Quantity and quality of commits on the Github project  
-    - Quality of answers provided to professors questions  +      - Presence and quality of the wiki on the Github project  
-  * <wrap em>**January 28th, 2019**</​wrap>​: Lectures are over! +      - Tool usability  
-  * <wrap em>**January 28th, 2019**</​wrap>​: The lecture scheduled for 16:00 starts 15/20 minutes later. +      - Amount and quality of tests developed for the application  
-  * <wrap em>**January 28th, 2019**</​wrap>​: The Mock paper has been uploaded. The solution will be uploaded by the end of the week. +      - Quality of answers provided to professors questions  
-  * <wrap em>**January 14th 2019 Next Lecture on Web Application Testing**</​wrap>​ +  * **January 28th, 2019**: Lectures are over! 
-  * <wrap em>**January 7th 2019 Next Lecture on JUnit Testing**</​wrap>​ +  * **January 28th, 2019**: The lecture scheduled for 16:00 starts 15/20 minutes later. 
-  * <wrap em>**January 10th 2019 Sprint Meeting**</​wrap>​+  * **January 28th, 2019**: The Mock paper has been uploaded. The solution will be uploaded by the end of the week. 
 +  * **January 14th 2019 Next Lecture on Web Application Testing** 
 +  * **January 7th 2019**: Next Lecture on JUnit Testing 
 +  * **January 10th 2019**: Sprint Meeting
   * Documentation to provide together with the project: <wrap em>​**report the documentation in the Github Wiki of your project**</​wrap>​   * Documentation to provide together with the project: <wrap em>​**report the documentation in the Github Wiki of your project**</​wrap>​
-  * <wrap em>**November 5, 2018**</​wrap>​: The webex class of today will be on the following link https://​unicam.webex.com/​meet/​andrea.morichetta. +  * **November 5, 2018**: The webex class of today will be on the following link https://​unicam.webex.com/​meet/​andrea.morichetta. 
-  * <wrap em>**October 31st, 2018**</​wrap>​: The next lesson will be delivered on Monday November 3rd 4pm-6pm. +  * **October 31st, 2018**: The next lesson will be delivered on Monday November 3rd 4pm-6pm. 
-  * <wrap em>**October 16th, 2018**</​wrap>​: Due to the faculty monthly meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 3.30pm tomorrow lesson will close at around that time+  * **October 16th, 2018**: Due to the faculty monthly meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 3.30pm tomorrow lesson will close at around that time
   * **October 9th, 2018**: Dear students I would like to inform you that tomorrow lesson will start at 2pm and will end at 3.30pm, while next Thursday lesson will start at 9am and will end at 10.30am   * **October 9th, 2018**: Dear students I would like to inform you that tomorrow lesson will start at 2pm and will end at 3.30pm, while next Thursday lesson will start at 9am and will end at 10.30am
   * **September 24th, 2018**: The first lesson will be delivered on Wednesday October 3rd.   * **September 24th, 2018**: The first lesson will be delivered on Wednesday October 3rd.
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 **Mock Paper** **Mock Paper**
   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_1819:​mockexam.pdf |Text}}   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_1819:​mockexam.pdf |Text}}
-  * Solution+  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_1819:​mockexam_solution.pdf |Solution}}
 **Lab Material** **Lab Material**
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 **Exam Dates A.Y. 2018/2019** **Exam Dates A.Y. 2018/2019**
-  * Wednesday, February 6th and 27th, 2019 -- at 2.30pm  +  * Wednesday, February 6th and 27th, 2019 -- at 2.30pm ​- {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_1819:​solution_20190206.pdf |Exam Solution}} 
-  * Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 -- at 2.30pm ​+  * Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 -- at 2.30pm ​- {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_1819:​solution_20190227.pdf |Exam Solution}}
   * Wednesday, July 10, 2019 -- at 2.30pm   * Wednesday, July 10, 2019 -- at 2.30pm
   * Wednesday, September 11th and 25th, 2019 -- at 2.30pm   * Wednesday, September 11th and 25th, 2019 -- at 2.30pm
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   * The project has to be delivered before taking part to the written paper   * The project has to be delivered before taking part to the written paper
 ** Exam Results ** ** Exam Results **
-  * N/A+
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​