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didattica:magistrale:spm:main [2017/09/19 20:55]
mescal [Software Project Management]
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-====== Software Project Management ====== 
-===== News ===== 
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-  * <wrap em>​**September 19th, 2017**</​wrap>:​ The course page is on-ine ​ 
-===== General Info ===== 
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-**Teacher**: ​ 
-  * [[http://​docenti.unicam.it/​pdett.aspx?​ids=N&​tv=d&​UteId=626&​ru=RD|Andrea Polini]] ​ 
-**Lessons schedule**: 
-  * Tuesday, 9am-11pm, 4pm-6pm 
-  * Wednesday 9am-11am 
-  * Thursday 11am-1pm (this lesson will not be given every week. Information will be provided in the news section). 
-**Students Office hours**: 
-  * Tuesday 3pm-4pm at my office (Polo Lodovici building) 
-===== Course Objectives ===== 
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-The course intends to provide to the students basic knowledge on the subject of project management with a particular emphasis on the production of complex software systems 
-===== Course Contents ===== 
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-The course is structure over three different modules that in any case will result in a unique final grade. 
-  * The first module (6CFU) will be mainly devoted to project management strategies in the area of software production, with a particular emphasis on Agile methodologies. ​ 
-The list of topics covered by the course are: 
-  * Agile Project Management 
-    * Scrum 
-    * eXtreme Programming 
-    * Lean 
-    * Kanban 
-  * Principles of Software Project Management 
-  * Project Planning 
-  * Risk Assessment 
-  * Cost Estimation 
-  * Staffing 
-  * Configuration management 
-  * Project Monitoring 
-  * Market Analysis 
-  * PMI Body of Knowledge 
-===== Study material ===== 
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-**Course Slides** 
-  *  
-  * **[HC]** Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell - [[http://​www.mheducation.co.uk/​9780077122799-emea-software-project-management|Software Project Management]],​ 5th Ed. - McGraw-Hill,​ 2009  ​ 
-  * **[SG]** Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene - [[http://​shop.oreilly.com/​product/​0636920025849.do|Learning Agile - Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean and Kanban]] - O'​Reilly Media, 2015 
-  * **[PM]** PMI Institute - [[http://​www.pmi.org/​pmbok-guide-standards/​foundational/​pmbok|PMBOK Guide]] - PMI 2013 
-**Reference Books** 
-  * **[IS]** Ian Sommerville - [[https://​www.pearsonhighered.com/​program/​Sommerville-Software-Engineering-10th-Edition/​PGM35255.html|Software Engineering]],​ 10th Ed. - Pearson Education, 2016 
-  * **[RP]** Roger Pressman, Bruce Maxim - [[http://​highered.mheducation.com/​sites/​0078022126/​information_center_view0/​index.html|Software Engineering:​ A Practitioner'​s Approach]], 8th Ed. - McGraw-Hill,​ 2015  
-===== Exams ===== 
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-**Exam Dates A.Y. 2016/2017** 
-  * February 28th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-  * March 14th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-  * April 11th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-  * July 4th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-  * July 18th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-  * September 12th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-  * September 16th, 2017 at 11am in AB2 room 
-**Exam rules**: ​ 
-  * The course foresee a final written exam in which the student will have to answer questions or solve exercises on the different part of the course. The exam will last around 2 hours. Students willing to improve their final mark can ask for an additional oral examination. 
-** Exam Results ** 
-  * N/A 