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didattica:magistrale:spm:main [2020/10/22 16:32]
fabrizio [News]
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-====== Software Project Management ====== 
-===== News ===== 
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-* <wrap em>​**October 22th, 2020**</​wrap>:​ During the lesson scheduled for tomorrow, students will be also asked to conduct some exercises so be ready for that.  
-  * <wrap em>​**October 14th, 2020**</​wrap>:​ We confirm that tomorrow the first lab lesson will be held. Prof. Fornari will be in TeamLab and he will use his room for the streaming. ​ 
-  * <wrap em>​**September 30th, 2020**</​wrap>:​ We inform the students that next lesson will be held Monday October 5th. Due to another engagement at 12pm it will last only 1 hour.  
-  * <wrap em>​**September 30th, 2020**</​wrap>:​ The starting of the Lab hours will be announced soon.  
-  * **September 21st, 2020**: We inform the students that the first lesson will be held on Wednesday, September 30th. 
-===== General Info ===== 
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-**Teachers**: ​ 
-  * [[http://​docenti.unicam.it/​pdett.aspx?​ids=N&​tv=d&​UteId=626&​ru=RD|Andrea Polini]] ​ 
-  * [[https://​docenti.unicam.it/​pdett.aspx?​ids=N&​tv=d&​UteId=1179&​ru=PROFCONTR|Fabrizio Fornari]] 
-**Course objectives and contents (ESSE3)** 
-  * [[https://​didattica.unicam.it/​Guide/​PaginaADErogata.do?​ad_er_id=2018*N0*N0*S1*13532*8959&​ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2020&​mostra_percorsi=S|Software Project Management - A.Y. 2020/2021]] 
-**Lessons schedule**: 
-  * Monday 11am-1pm (Theory) 
-  * Wednesday 9am-11am (Theory) 
-  * Thursday 9am-11am (Lab) 
-  * Friday 11am - 1pm (Lab) 
-**Students Office hours**: 
-  * Prof. Polini: Wednesday 5pm-6pm at my office (Polo Lodovici building) - please announce yourself via e-mail in advance 
-  * Prof. Fornari: Immediately after each lesson or by requesting an appointment via e-mail. ​ 
-===== Study material ===== 
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-**Course Slides** 
-  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_2021:​introduction.pdf |Introduction}} 
-  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_2021:​cycle.pdf |Software Processes}} 
-  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_2021:​intro2agile.pdf |Agile}} 
-**Laboratory Slides** 
-  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_2021:​LabIntroduction.pdf |Laboratory Lesson 1}} 
-  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_2021:​LabGitPart1.pdf |Laboratory Lesson 2}} 
-  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​spm:​ay_2021:​LabGitPart2.pdf |Laboratory Lesson 3}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​bdc6d45ce2f24889b30edc27992bf060|September 30th, 2020}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​4eae947e2cb9405c9cba749550e3c85f|October 5th}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​0cbb00bb70664544bd5588e954faf7f3|October 7th}} - Unfortunately I forgot to record the first part of the lesson 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​97e2c26100c94010af1cdd86e24ab2c9|October 12th}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​905c48491e6f451e850a51a3c9618280|October 14th}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​76a89433ffbc488093f8f158b24df341|October 19th}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​c3b8535d9b9d46d6894599028072f0e4|October 21st}} 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​bd9187ebf692401f822abf2347b69750|October 15th, 2020}} - Laboratory Lesson 1 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​b1a0eb66e5d144288751eceaaa8841fe|October 16th, 2020}} - Laboratory Lesson 2 
-  * {{https://​unicam.webex.com/​recordingservice/​sites/​unicam/​recording/​playback/​24f4c55cbc3e4743a7a4b0e80f663ee9|October 22th, 2020}} - Laboratory Lesson 3 
-  * **[HC]** Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell - [[http://​www.mheducation.co.uk/​9780077122799-emea-software-project-management|Software Project Management]],​ 5th Ed. - McGraw-Hill,​ 2009  ​ 
-  * **[SG]** Andrew Stellman, Jennifer Greene - [[http://​shop.oreilly.com/​product/​0636920025849.do|Learning Agile - Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean and Kanban]] - O'​Reilly Media, 2015 
-**Reference books** 
-  * **[IS]** Ian Sommerville - [[https://​www.pearsonhighered.com/​program/​Sommerville-Software-Engineering-10th-Edition/​PGM35255.html|Software Engineering]],​ 10th Ed. - Pearson Education, 2016 
-  * **[RP]** Roger Pressman, Bruce Maxim - [[http://​highered.mheducation.com/​sites/​0078022126/​information_center_view0/​index.html|Software Engineering:​ A Practitioner'​s Approach]], 8th Ed. - McGraw-Hill,​ 2015  
-  * **[ML]** Mitch Lacey - [[http://​www.pearsoned.co.uk/​bookshop/​detail.asp?​item=100000000579661|The SCRUM Field Guide]], 2nd Ed. - Pearson 2016. 
-  * **[RW]** Robert K. Wysocki - [[https://​www.wiley.com/​en-it/​Effective+Project+Management:​+Traditional,​+Agile,​+Extreme,​+7th+Edition-p-9781118729311|Effective Project Management]],​ 7th Ed. - John Wiley and Sons 2014. 
-===== Exam ===== 
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-** Project** 
-  * [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1tOdMoBKzBjcHGQI3ACmrkkcaFbc2TuPfgmFQM2jL9BU/​edit?​usp=sharing|Groups Formation]] is required to be completed by Thursday, October 29th 2020  
-  *  
-**Exam Dates A.Y. 2020/2021** 
-  * Wednesday, February 3rd and 24th, 2021 -- at 9.00am 
-**Exam rules**: ​ 
-  * students have to manage and develop a software project over the duration of the semester with intermediate checkpoints (meeting with the teacher). The group will have to adopt and simulate the practices typical of a SCRUM team. The group will have to apply the methodologies and the tools explained during lecture hourse. 
-  * The course also foresees a final written exam in which the student will have to answer questions and solve exercises on the different parts of the course. The exam will last around 2 hours. Students willing to improve their final mark can ask for an additional oral examination. 
-  * The project has to be delivered before taking part to the written paper 
-** Exam Results ** 