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didattica:magistrale:svl:ay_1920:main [2019/09/24 20:17]
luca [Project]
didattica:magistrale:svl:ay_1920:main [2020/09/17 16:55] (current)
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 ===== News ===== ===== News =====
 +<WRAP center round info 95%>
 +  * The page of the same course held in Academic Year **2018/​2019** can be found at this [[http://​didattica.cs.unicam.it/​doku.php?​id=didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1819:​main|link]]. ​
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
   * <wrap em>​**24/​09/​2019**</​wrap>:​ The course page is online.   * <wrap em>​**24/​09/​2019**</​wrap>:​ The course page is online.
 +  * <wrap em>​**02/​03/​2020**</​wrap>:​ The course officially starts on **Monday 9th March 2020 at 2pm, Room TeamLab**.
 +  * <wrap em>​**08/​03/​2020**</​wrap>:​ The course officially starts on **Monday 9th March 2020 at 2pm, but it will be transmitted only in streaming at the link [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​meet/​luca.tesei]] until, at the moment, the 3rd of April 2020. The timetable is the one specified (Mon 2pm-4pm and Wed 9am-11am). All the lectures will be recorded and made available from the Google Classroom platform, course code 2zjhwud. To join the course, access Google Classroom with the Unicam credentials (@studenti.unicam.it) and subscribe to the course with code: 2zjhwud**.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 **Lectures schedule**: **Lectures schedule**:
-  * TBD 2nd Semester+  * Monday 2pm-4pm, Wednesday 9am-11am 
 +**Recording of Lectures and other material**:​ 
 +  * The links to the recordings of lectures together with other material (besides the slides given in section Material below) will be given through the Google Classroom platform. To join the course, access Google Classroom with the Unicam credentials (@studenti.unicam.it) and subscribe to the course with code: **2zjhwud**
 **Webex Room for Lecture Streaming** **Webex Room for Lecture Streaming**
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 ===== Lectures ===== ===== Lectures =====
 <WRAP round 95% center box> <WRAP round 95% center box>
-  - TBD 2nd Semester+The links to the recordings of lectures together with other material (besides the slides given in section Material below) will be given through the Google Classroom platform. To join the course, access Google Classroom with the Unicam credentials (@studenti.unicam.it) and subscribe to the course with code: **2zjhwud**
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +  * The following links are just for the first lectures. All links will be provided inside the Google Classroom platform. Please, register to the Google Classroom course using your unicam credentials as soon as possible.
 +  - Lecture of 09/03/2020 [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​ldr.php?​RCID=6e79c664e808425dbb0a0d84d86d5b1a|Watch the Lecture]], [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​lsr.php?​RCID=e85388cbee6b41adb3d3042da6450701|Download the Lecture]]
 +  - Lecture of 11/03/2020 [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​ldr.php?​RCID=ea94c00b35024a018ba2d4e423ebe3f8|Watch the Lecture]], [[https://​unicam.webex.com/​unicam/​lsr.php?​RCID=f6dadd53d69f4615b151f918d6c2a016|Download the Lecture]], {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​svl1920-11-03-2020-uppaal-code.zip |UPPAAL Code}}
 +  - the subsequent lectures are available only by accessing to the Google Classroom course (see instructions above)
 ---- ----
 ===== Material ===== ===== Material =====
Line 93: Line 108:
   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​5_-_linear_time_properties._liveness_properties.pdf |Liveness Properties}}   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​5_-_linear_time_properties._liveness_properties.pdf |Liveness Properties}}
   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​6_-_linear_time_properties._decomposition_theorem.pdf |Decomposition Theorem}}   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​6_-_linear_time_properties._decomposition_theorem.pdf |Decomposition Theorem}}
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​linear_time_properties._regular_safety_properties.pdf |Regular Safety Properties}}
   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​7_-_linear_time_properties._fairness.pdf |Fairness}}   * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​svl:​ay_1920:​7_-_linear_time_properties._fairness.pdf |Fairness}}
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 ===== Project ===== ===== Project =====
 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
-  - TBD+  - The text of the project can be found in the Google Classroom platform.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 ===== Exams ===== ===== Exams =====
 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
-**Exam Dates A.Y. 2018/2019 (Written Test Dates)** +**Exam Dates A.Y. 2019/2020 (Written Test Days)** - For each session, projects can be sent by the day before the written test (see Partial Exams "​SVL1920 Sess. XXX - Project Delivery"​ in ESSE3) 
-  - 06/02/2019, 3:00pm, Room LA1 no students+  - 06/02/2020 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "​SVL1920 SessI - Written Test" on ESSE3 before 31/01/2020 
-  - 20/02/2019, 3:00pm, Room LA1 no students+  - 20/02/2020 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "​SVL1920 SessII - Written Test" on ESSE3 before 14/02/2020 
-  - 13/06/2019, 3:00pm, Room AB1 no students+  - 25/06/2020 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "​SVL1920 SessIII - Written Test" on ESSE3 before 19/06/2020 
-  - <​del>​27/06/2019, 3:​00pm, ​Room TBA</​del>​28/06/2019, 11:00am, Room AB1 Polo Lodovici -  +  - 09/07/2020 - 3pm - Room TBDplease register to the Partial Exam "​SVL1920 Sess. IV - Written Test" on ESSE3 before 03/07/2020 
-  - 17/07/2019, 3:​00pm, ​Room AB2 Polo Lodovici ​-  +  - 23/07/2020 - 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "​SVL1920 Sess. V Written Test" on ESSE3 before 17/07/2020 
-  - 12/09/2019, 3:​00pm, ​Room AA1 Polo Lodovici ​-  +  - 10/09/2020 - 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "​SVL1920 Sess. VI Written Test" on ESSE3 before 04/09/2020 
-  - 26/09/2019, 3:​00pm, ​Room AA1 Polo Lodovici, please register ​on ESSE3 to the Partial Exam "SVL1819 ​Sess. VII - Written Test" before ​20/09/2019 +  - 24/09/2020 - 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "SVL1920 ​Sess. VII - Written Test" ​on ESSE3 before ​18/09/2020 
-  - 24/03/2020, 3:​00pm, ​Room TBA, please register ​on ESSE3 to the Partial Exam "SVL1819 ​Sess. VIII - Written Test" before ​20/03/2020+  - 25/03/2021 - 3pm - Room TBD, please register to the Partial Exam "SVL1920 ​Sess. VIII - Written Test" ​on ESSE3 before ​19/03/2021 
 +For registration,​ please consult the [[https://​didattica.unicam.it|ESSE3 Portal]] after login.
 **Exam rules** **Exam rules**
-The exam consists of a written test, containing open-answer questions ​(exercises), together with one project, realised with the tools introduced in the course (see section "Project" above). The Written Test and the Project are two independent Partial Exams (see the exam sessions in the ESSE3 career system) and can be passed in different exam sessions. The final grade, which is the average of the grades of the two Partial Exams, can be obtained and registered only if both the Partial Exams have been passed with a grade of at least 18/​30. ​+The exam consists of a written test, containing open-answer questions, together with one project, realised with the tools introduced in the course (see section "Projects" above). The Written Test and the Project are two independent Partial Exams (see the exam sessions in the ESSE3 career system) and can be passed in different exam sessions. The final grade, which is the average of the grades of the two Partial Exams, can be obtained and registered only if both the Partial Exams have been passed with a grade of at least 18/​30. ​ 
-**Registration for the written tests** must be done using the Student Career System ESSE3 [[https://​didattica.unicam.it|here]]. Please note that the registration **deadline** is usually **3 working days before** the written test date. BSc students or MSc students who did not select the Intelligent and Adaptive Systems (IAS) Curriculum will not be able to register for the written test until they communicate to the Secretary Office (Tiziana Jajani c/o Student Secretary Office, [[http://​www.unicam.it/​studente/​segreterie-studenti|Opening Hours]]) their choice to attend to this course, code [ST1192] SYSTEMS VERIFICATION LAB. During the exercise sessions throughout the course samples of the written test questions will be presented with solutions. During the written test students can consult a hand-written A4 paper of their production for reference.+**Registration for the written tests** must be done using the Student Career System ESSE3 [[https://​didattica.unicam.it|here]]. Please note that the registration **deadline** is usually **3 working days before** the written test date. During the exercise sessions throughout the course samples of the written test questions will be presented with solutions. During the written test students can consult a hand-written A4 paper of their production for reference.
 **Instructions for Sending Projects** **Instructions for Sending Projects**
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 The folder must be named  The folder must be named 
 +where N is the number of the realised project (according to the section "​Projects"​ above) and X is the number of the exam session (Appello) as specified for each date of the written test above. ​
-where X is the number of the exam session ​(Appelloas specified for each date of the written test above+The folder must be shared ​(using Google Drive facilitieswith luca.tesei@unicam.it and andrea.polini@unicam.it by 11.59pm ​of the day before ​the written test scheduled for the selected session X.
-The folder ​must be shared (using Google Drive facilities) with luca.tesei@unicam.it and francesco.tiezzi@unicam.it by 11.59pm of the day specified for the Partial Exam "SVL1819 ​Sess. - Project ​Deliver" ​relative to Session X. **Students should also register ​for this Partial Exam within the day before on ESSE3**+Students that send the project ​must also register to the Partial Exam "SVL1920 ​Sess. XXX - Project ​Delivery" ​in ESSE3, specified ​for each exam session