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didattica:main [2016/03/02 13:27]
mescal created
didattica:main [2020/09/17 17:30] (current)
a.morichetta [Degrees]
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 ===== Degrees ===== ===== Degrees =====
-<WRAP center round info 70%> 
-At the links below you will find information concerning the study plans of the last academic years as well as details for each course held in the various academic year. 
-  * [[didattica:​triennale:​main|Laurea in Informatica]] +  ​* **Laurea in Informatica (L-31)** 
-    * Follow this [[didattica:​triennale:​ay_1516|link]] to directly get to the list of courses activated in this academic year +    ​* [[didattica:​triennale:​generalinformation|Informazioni Generali]] 
-  * [[didattica:​magistrale:​main|MSc in Computer Science (Laurea Magistrale in Computer Science)]] +    * [[didattica:​triennale:​main|Corsi A.A. 2020/2021]] (Follow this link to directly get to the list of courses activated in current ​academic year) 
-    * Follow this [[didattica:​magistrale:​ay_1516|link]] to directly get to the list of courses activated in this academic year+  ​* **MSc in Computer Science (LM-18)** 
 +    ​* [[didattica:​magistrale:​generalinformation|General Information]] 
 +    * [[didattica:​magistrale:​main|Courses for the A.Y. 2020/2021]] (Follow this link to directly get to the list of courses activated in current ​academic year
 +  * **Master 1° Livello** 
 +    * [[didattica:​master_dsm:​main|Digital Solutions Manager (DSM)]] ​
 +===== Seminars =====
 +  * [[didattica:​seminars:​main|Seminars]]
 +===== Useful Information =====
 +  * [[didattica:​classrooms:​main|Location of Classrooms and Teachers Offices]]
 +  * [[informazioni:​organizzazione:​main|Organization Chart for the Computer Science Division]]
 +  * [[informazioni:​thesisprocedures|Thesis Procedures]]
 +  * [[informazioni:​doubledegree:​main|Double Degree Programs]] ​
 +  * [[informazioni:​erasmus:​main|Erasmus+ Program]] ​
 +  * [[informazioni:​stagepp:​regolamento|Stage++]]
 +  * [[informazioni:​documentiutile:​main|Useful Docs]]