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informazioni:thesisprocedures [2020/02/17 11:09]
a.morichetta [Master Thesis Registration Form]
informazioni:thesisprocedures [2021/01/26 12:10] (current)
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 ===== Date di Laurea - Graduation Dates ===== ===== Date di Laurea - Graduation Dates =====
-  * <wrap em>A.A. 2018/2019 - A.Y. 2018/​2019 ​ </​wrap>​ 
-  ​ 
-    - **Sessione Primaverile**:​ 15 Aprile 2020 - **Spring Session**: April 15th, 2020 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 16/11/2019 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): middle of January. ​ 
   * <wrap em> A.A. 2019/2020 - A.Y. 2019/2020 </​wrap> ​   * <wrap em> A.A. 2019/2020 - A.Y. 2019/2020 </​wrap> ​
-   - **Sessione Estiva**: 22 Luglio 2020 - **Summer session**: July 22nd, 2020 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis ​ Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): ​   23/02/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of May 2020. 
-   - **Sessione Autunnale**:​ 28 Ottobre 2020 - **Fall session**: October 28th, 2020 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 27/04/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of July 2020. 
    - **Sessione Invernale**:​ 28 Gennaio 2021 - **Winter Session**: January 28th, 2021 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 31/07/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of November 2020.    - **Sessione Invernale**:​ 28 Gennaio 2021 - **Winter Session**: January 28th, 2021 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 31/07/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of November 2020.
    - **Sessione Primaverile**:​ 14 Aprile 2021 - **Spring Session**: April 14th, 2021 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 15/11/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): middle of January 2021.    - **Sessione Primaverile**:​ 14 Aprile 2021 - **Spring Session**: April 14th, 2021 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 15/11/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): middle of January 2021.
 +  * <wrap em> A.A. 2020/2021 - A.Y. 2020/2021 </​wrap> ​
 +   - **Sessione Estiva**: 21 Luglio 2021 - **Summer session**: July 21st, 2021 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis ​ Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): ​   21/02/2021 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of May 2021.
 +   - **Sessione Autunnale**:​ 27 Ottobre 2021 - **Fall session**: October 27th, 2021 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 27/04/2021 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of July 2021.
 +   - **Sessione Invernale**:​ 26 Gennaio 2022 - **Winter Session**: January 26th, 2022 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 31/07/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of November 2021.
 +   - **Sessione Primaverile**:​ 13 Aprile 2022 - **Spring Session**: April 13th, 2022 - **Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form** (for MSc in Computer Science): 15/11/2020 - **Intermediate Evaluation** (for MSc in Computer Science): middle of January 2022.
 ===== Template Latex ===== ===== Template Latex =====
 {{ :​informazioni:​tesi_unicam_template.zip |Link to tex files.}} {{ :​informazioni:​tesi_unicam_template.zip |Link to tex files.}}