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a.morichetta [News]
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 **Informatica L-31**\\ **Informatica L-31**\\
 <WRAP center round important 95%> <WRAP center round important 95%>
-  * <wrap em>​**ORARIO LEZIONI ​17 settembre 2020**</​wrap>​\\ ** Orario Lezioni ​[[:​didattica:​triennale:​orario_1°_semestre_20-21_-_l31_-_1°_anno.pdf|1° anno]] [[http://analyzer.cs.unicam.it/​universita/​tesiinformatica.php|2° anno]] [[http://analyzer.cs.unicam.it/​universita/​tesiinformatica.php|3° anno]] ** +  * <wrap em>​**ORARIO LEZIONI ​secondo semestre 24 febbraio 2021**</​wrap>​\\ ** Orario Lezioni ​{{:​didattica:​triennale:​orario_2°_semestre_20-21_-_l31_-_1°_anno.pdf|1° anno}} {{:didattica:​triennale:​orario_2°_semestre_20-21_-_l31_-_2°_anno.pdf|2° anno}} {{:didattica:​triennale:​orario_2°_semestre_20-21_-_l31_-_3°_anno.pdf|3° anno}}** 
- +
   * <wrap em>**19 Settembre 2019**</​wrap>:​ Sono state definite le aule virtuali per la fruizione delle lezioni in streaming. Ulteriori informazioni,​ inclusa la lista delle aule associate ai docenti, possono essere recuperate in questa [[https://​www.unicam.it/​didatticaduepuntozero/​|pagina]]. ​   * <wrap em>**19 Settembre 2019**</​wrap>:​ Sono state definite le aule virtuali per la fruizione delle lezioni in streaming. Ulteriori informazioni,​ inclusa la lista delle aule associate ai docenti, possono essere recuperate in questa [[https://​www.unicam.it/​didatticaduepuntozero/​|pagina]]. ​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 **Computer Science LM-18**\\ **Computer Science LM-18**\\
-<WRAP center round important 95%>  +<WRAP center round important 95%> 
-  * <wrap em>**March 27, 2020**</​wrap>​:The course of E-health and Telemedicine will start on April 3rd, see the {{:​didattica:​magistrale:​e_health_and_telemedicine_2020.pdf|link}} for further details. +  * <wrap em>**Class schedule 2nd semester 24 febbruary 2021**</​wrap>​\\ ** Timetable ​{{:​didattica:​magistrale:​orario_2°_semestre_20-21_-_lm18_-_1st_year.pdf|1° year}} **
-  * <wrap em>​**March 25, 2020**</​wrap>:​\\ **Dear students,\\  +
-this is to inform you that an additional graduation session has been added on May 28th, 2020. \\ +
-The session belongs to the A.Y. 2018/2019 so in case you will not have to pay taxes for the new academic year, and the academic year 2019/2020 will not be added to your career. Obviously all the students that planned to graduate in April can still do so, or they can decide to postpone. In case we will organise a remote session.  +
-For any clarification please contact your advisor of the responsible for you degree. (L-31 Prof. Francesco Tiezzi, LM-18 Prof. Michele Loreti).**+
-  * <wrap em>​**March 6, 2020**</​wrap>:​\\ **Dear Students,\\ 
-the lessons of the second semester will start in streaming next Monday 9. The time table is the one already available on the wiki.\\ 
-The exams scheduled in the past two weeks will be done during the next week. You will receive info by your teachers. \\ 
-In order to guarantee the maximum availability,​ all teachers have been invited to distribute the recordings of their lessons. 
-  * <wrap em>​**March 2, 2020**</​wrap>:​ **Notice for students**. The courses of the second semester will start on **9th March 2020**. 
-  * <wrap em>​**March 2, 2020**</​wrap>:​ Follow this [[didattica:​magistrale:​main#​lessons_schedule|link]] to get the updated ** class schedule** and list of **activated courses** for the second semester, which will start on **Monday 9th March 2020**. 
   * <wrap em>​**September 19, 2019**</​wrap>:​ Lectures are in streaming. Full information,​ including the list of virtual rooms associated to the teachers, is available at [[https://​www.unicam.it/​didatticaduepuntozero/​|this page]].   * <wrap em>​**September 19, 2019**</​wrap>:​ Lectures are in streaming. Full information,​ including the list of virtual rooms associated to the teachers, is available at [[https://​www.unicam.it/​didatticaduepuntozero/​|this page]].
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
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 <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/"​ target="​_blank">​Visual Paradigm</​a>​ supports Università di Camerino with <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/​features/​uml-and-sysml-tools/"​ target="​_blank">​UML tools</​a>​ and <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/​features/​database-design-with-erd-tools/"​ target="​_blank">​ERD tools</​a>​ under the <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/​partner/​academic/"​ target="​_blank">​Visual Paradigm Academic Training Partner Program</​a>​. <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/"​ target="​_blank">​Visual Paradigm</​a>​ supports Università di Camerino with <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/​features/​uml-and-sysml-tools/"​ target="​_blank">​UML tools</​a>​ and <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/​features/​database-design-with-erd-tools/"​ target="​_blank">​ERD tools</​a>​ under the <a href="​https://​www.visual-paradigm.com/​partner/​academic/"​ target="​_blank">​Visual Paradigm Academic Training Partner Program</​a>​.
 </​html>​ </​html>​
 +<wrap em>Are you a Unicam enrolled student?</​wrap>​ **[[https://​ap.visual-paradigm.com/​universita-di-camerino| Get the license]]**
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​