====== Choice exams ====== In this page you can find information and forms to express your selection with respect to the exams marked as CHOICES in the study plan. Forms are different if you are enrolled in the laurea degree or in the MSc. [[didattica:choiceexams:choices2014|Here]] you can find the list of links to the pages of each exam. ===== Laurea in Informatica ===== La laurea triennale in informatica permette agli studenti di personalizzare il proprio piano di studi selezionando 12 CFU da un insieme di esami che intendono proporre contenuti più specifici. Al fine di esprimere le proprie preferenze gli studenti devono compilare il modulo sottostante e consegnarlo prima della fine del semestre al Prof. Rosario Culmone. {{:didattica:choiceexams:laurea_formsceltaesami.pdf|Scelta Esami}} - Modulo per la selezione degli esami del gruppo CHOICE. Con riferimento alla possibilità di scelta sono attualmente previsti due gruppi di esami da uno dei quali gli studenti dovrebbero selezionare i 12 CFU. ** Curriculum A - Software Development ** * IT Security (6 CFU) * Distributed Systems (6 CFU) * Networking Fundamentals (CISCO I-II) (6 CFU) * Networking Discovery (CISCO III-IV) (6 CFU) * Formal Languages and Compilers (6 CFU) * Model Checking (6 CFU) * Software Engineering II (6 CFU) * Advanced Business Process Management (6 CFU) * Advanced Databases (6 CFU) * Knowledge Engineering and Business Intelligence (6 CFU) * Knowledge Management and Competence Development (6 CFU) ** Curriculum B - Modeling and Analysis ** * Advanced Business Process Management (6 CFU) * Advanced Databases (6 CFU) * Knowledge Engineering and Business Intelligence (6 CFU) * Artificial Intelligence (6 CFU) * Neural Networks (6CFU) * Modeling and Simulation (12 CFU) * Operational Research (6 CFU) * Computational Mathematics (6 CFU) * Mobile Calculi (6 CFU) * Modeling and Verification (6 CFU) * Bioinformatics (6 CFU) E' comunque possibile scegliere 6 CFU da ognuno dei due curriculum presentanto richiesta per un piano di studi personalizzato. Per ogni ulteriore informazione o dubbio si prega di contattare il Prof. Andrea Polini ===== MSc in Computer Science ===== In order to solve the CHOICE GROUP, so to include specific exams in their study plan, students should fill one of the forms in the following list, and deliver it to Prof. Rosario Culmone before the end of each semester. Please in filling the form take care of respecting the rules mentioned below (//also reported in the module//): * {{:didattica:choiceexams:msc_form4coursechoice.pdf|Standard Form}} - Module for selecting exams according to the standard study plan * {{:didattica:choiceexams:msc_personalisedstudyplan.pdf|Personalised Form}} - Module for selections that require the definition of a personalised study plan Students enrolled in the MSc in Computer Science should complete their study plan selecting the exams for the CFU marked as CHOICES. According to the "standard" study plan for A.Y. 2014-2015 the selection should be organized as follow: * **1st year**: * 6 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0901 - OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (6 CFU) * ST0460 - NEURAL NETWORKS (6 CFU) * ST0898 - MODEL CHECKING (6 CFU) * ST0906 - KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0895 - IT SECURITY (6 CFU) * ST0989 - FORMAL LANGUAGES AND COMPILERS (6 CFU) * ST0864 - DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (6 CFU) * ST0902 - COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS (6 CFU) * ST0836 - BIOINFORMATICS (6 CFU) * 6 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0899 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING II (6 CFU) * ST0904 - MODELLING AND VERIFICATION (6 CFU) * ST0884 - MODELLING AND SIMULATION (12 CFU) * ST0903 - MOBILE CALCULI (6 CFU) * ST0492 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0882 - ADVANCED DATABASES (6 CFU) * ST0950 - ADVANCED BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (6 CFU) * **2nd year** * 24 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0899 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING II (6 CFU) * ST0904 - MODELLING AND VERIFICATION (6 CFU) * ST0884 - MODELLING AND SIMULATION (12 CFU) * ST0903 - MOBILE CALCULI (6 CFU) * ST0492 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0882 - ADVANCED DATABASES (6 CFU) * ST0950 - ADVANCED BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (6 CFU) The constraints reported above are the result of the necessity of respecting some general rules coming from the study plans defined in the previous years. If the preferences of a student does not permit to fully respect the rules defined above it is possible to ask for the approval of a personalised study plan. In such a case the rules are a bit more relaxed and the study plan should be defined according to the following rules (where the sum of exams selected in blocks B3 and B4 should be 24): * **1st year**: * **B1**: 6 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0901 - OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (6 CFU) * ST0460 - NEURAL NETWORKS (6 CFU) * ST0898 - MODEL CHECKING (6 CFU) * ST0906 - KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0895 - IT SECURITY (6 CFU) * ST0989 - FORMAL LANGUAGES AND COMPILERS (6 CFU) * ST0864 - DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (6 CFU) * ST0902 - COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS (6 CFU) * ST0836 - BIOINFORMATICS (6 CFU) * **B2**: 6 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0899 - SOFTWARE ENGENEERING II (6 CFU) * ST0904 - MODELLING AND VERIFICATION (6 CFU) * ST0884 - MODELLING AND SIMULATION (12 CFU) * ST0903 - MOBILE CALCULI (6 CFU) * ST0492 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0882 - ADVANCED DATABASES (6 CFU) * ST0950 - ADVANCED BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (6 CFU) * **2nd year** * **B3**: At most 12 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0901 - OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (6 CFU) * ST0460 - NEURAL NETWORKS (6 CFU) * ST0898 - MODEL CHECKING (6 CFU) * ST0906 - KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0895 - IT SECURITY (6 CFU) * ST0989 - FORMAL LANGUAGES AND COMPILERS (6 CFU) * ST0864 - DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (6 CFU) * ST0902 - COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS (6 CFU) * ST0836 - BIOINFORMATICS (6 CFU) * **B4**: Between 12 CFU and 24 CFU in the following group of exams: * ST0899 - SOFTWARE ENGINEERING II (6 CFU) * ST0904 - MODELLING AND VERIFICATION (6 CFU) * ST0884 - MODELLING AND SIMULATION (12 CFU) * ST0903 - MOBILE CALCULI (6 CFU) * ST0492 - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (6 CFU) * ST0882 - ADVANCED DATABASES (6 CFU) * ST0950 - ADVANCED BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (6 CFU) In case student's preferences does not permit to derive a study plan respecting one of the schema above, please contact Prof. Andrea Polini to discuss the issue.