====== Free Choice Exams ====== The following group of exams can be included by students to acquire the 12 CFU foreseen both by the Laurea degree study plan and by the MSc degree study plan. The list include exams which are related to computer science subjects, nevertheless students are free to include in their study plan exams from other disciplines. * [[didattica:freecredits:advancedbusinessmanagement:abm2015|Advanced Business and Management]] (6 CFU) * [[didattica:freecredits:socialtechnologyinnovation:sti2015|Social Technology Innovation]] (6 CFU) * [[didattica:freecredits:comunicareweb:cw2015|Comunicare con il Web]] (6 CFU) * [[didattica:freecredits:ehealth:main2015|e-Health and Telemedicine]] (6 CFU)