====== Alignment of Business and IT ====== ---- ===== News ===== * **...**: .... ---- ===== Informazioni Generali ===== **Docente**: * [[http://knut.hinkelmann.ch/|Knut Hinkelmann]] * [[https://barbarare.wordpress.com/|Barbara Re]] **Orario delle Lezioni**: * Thursday, 3/3/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Friday, 4/3/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Thursday, 10/3/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Friday, 18/3/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) * Friday, 1/4/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) * Thursday, 14/4/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Friday, 15/4/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Thursday, 21/4/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Friday, 22/4/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Knut Hinkelmann) * Friday, 29/4/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) * Friday, 6/5/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) * Friday, 13/5/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) * Friday, 20/5/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) * Friday, 27/5/2016, 11:00 - 13:30 (Barbara Re) **Ricevimento studenti**: * Book an appointment by mail. **Student list** * [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zTB8yCeq1UtqkqTvS-uI8xk3lHwcGpH9wBSovKAO30E/viewform|Please add your name and email in this form]] ---- ===== Obiettivi del Corso ===== The objective of the module is to give an overview on enterprise architecture modelling and management as a means for the alignment of business and IT. On successful completion of this unit, a student will: * understand the objectives and approaches forthe alignment of business and IT; * understand the interaction of corporate strategies, business processes and information systems; * understand the role of enterprise architectures for the alignment of business and IT; * be able to explain the concepts of the different elements of enterprise architectures and the relationships between them; * understand the success factors for enterprise architecture management and will be able to deploy enterprise architecture; * be able to interpret and understand the importance and the role of models and methods for developing enterprise architectures; * can model selective parts of enterprise architecture using standard methods for enterprise architecture modeling; * Implement enterprise architecture modeling and management. ---- ===== Contenuti del Corso ===== * Introduction to Enterprise Architectures: the role of Enterprise Architectures for Business and IT Alignment * Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (Zachman, TOGAF) * Modelling an Enterprise Architecture with ArchiMate * Enterprise modelling: (i) Business Process Modelling with the OMG Busines Process Modelling Notation BPMN; (ii) Modelling of organisational structure and Information Infrastructure, (iv) Business Motivation Modelling, and (v) Business Rules Modelling * Enterprise Architecture Management ---- ===== Materiale ===== **Slide del Corso** * Introduction into Business-IT Alignment and Enterprise Architecture * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_01_introduction.pdf|Slides}} * Case: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:case_british_airways_business_transformation.pdf|Business Transformation at British Airways}} * Exercise: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:task_project_steps.pdf|Project Steps}} * [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13iXj14qhb2etN1LVTSXApGUbeGTKHlLUwvNrWbnhWls/viewform|Project Steps BPM]] * [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XHB2dYisxA4WyqlAc4XCwyiUwVj0Qb0CcZDMYtFlDB0/viewform|Project Steps IT Project]] * Case: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:cisrwp369_southwest_airlines.pdf|Southwest Airlines (please read until 4th of March)}} * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:southwest_airline_agility_questions_answers.pdf|Questions and answers about Southwest Airlines}} * Reading: * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:hanschke_2010_strategic_it_management_chapter2_part_.pdf|Hanschke. I. (2010), Strategic IT Management, Chapter 2: Strategic Planning of IT.}} * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:henderson_venkatraman_1993_strategic_alignment_leveraging_information_technology_for_transforming_organizations.pdf|Henderson, J. C., & Venkatraman, N. (1993). Strategic alignment : Leveraging information technology for transforming organizations. IBM Systems Journal, 32(1).}} * Enterprise Architecture Frameworks * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_02_ea-frameworks.pdf|Slides}} * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:the_zachman_framework_for_ea_2011.pdf|The Zachman Framework}} * Video: [[https://vimeo.com/143054781|John Zachman Lecture on Enterprise Architecture]] (Password: Camerino) * Reading: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:architecture_is_architecture_is_architecture.pdf|John Zachman: Architecture is Architecture is Architecture}} * Further Reading: [[http://www.iso-architecture.org/ieee-1471/cm/|ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 - A Conceptual Model of Architecture Description]] * Model and Model Languages * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_03_metamodelling.pdf|Slides}} * Further Reading: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:karagiannis_kuehn_2002_metamodelling_platforms.pdf|Karagiannis and Kuehn (2002) Metamodeling Platforms}} * Archimate * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_01_archimate.pdf|Slides}} * [[http://pubs.opengroup.org/architecture/archimate2-doc/toc.html|Welcome to ArchiMate® 2.1, an Open Group Standard]] * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:restaurant_archimate.zip|ArchiMate Model in ArchiMetric for Restaurant}} * Enterprise Architecture Management * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_05_eam.pdf|Slides}} * Reading: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:ahlemann_et_al._2012_strategic_enterprise_architecture_management_ch1_2_4-7.pdf|Ahlemann et al. (2012). Strategic EA Management, chapters 1,2,4-7}} * In-class discussion: [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1v1fCbtnYzQxgScyMSqgnMygOIRqYDb9smPQCIAGf7-0/viewform|Contributions and Benefits of EA for different roles]] * [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14QoD_WG5T0cMxcFJ3kxxzXlldHEa0pPtztfx3BTQ_X0/edit#gid=228490421|Responses]] * Business Motivation Modeling * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_06_bmm.pdf|Slides}} * Reading: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:bridgeland_zahavi_2009_business_modeling-chapter_3_business_motivation.pdf|Bridgeland & Zahavi. Business Models - Chapter 3 Business Motivation Model.}} * Preparation for Lecture: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:cisrwp373_swissre_maximizing_economic_value.pdf|Swiss Re - Case Description}} * Exercise: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:exercise_swiss_re_swot.pdf|Influencers and Assessments for Swiss Re}} * Exercise: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:exercise_swiss_re_ends_means.pdf|Ends and Means for Swiss Re}} * Further Reading: [[http://www.omg.org/spec/BMM/1.2/|OMG Business Motivation Model v1.2]] * Business Architecture Modeling * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_07_ba.pdf|Slides}} * Exercise: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:exercise_businessarchitecture_cora.pdf|Business Architecture for Cora}} * Input: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:exercise_cora.zip|ArchiMetric Model of Process}} * Solution: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:exercise_businessarchitecture_cora_with_solution.pdf|PDF}}, {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:cora_business_architecture_solution.zip|ArchiMetric Project}} * Reading: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:bridgeland_zahavi_2009_business_modeling-chapter_4_organization_models.pdf|Bridgeland & Zahavi. Business Models - Chapter 4 Organization Models.}} * Reading: {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:bridgeland_zahavi_2009_business_modeling-chapter_5_business_processes.pdf|Bridgeland & Zahavi. Business Models - Chapter 5 Business Processes.}} * Case Management * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_08_casemanagement.pdf|Slide Overview}} * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_09_cmmn.pdf|CMMN Slide}} * Decision Aware Business Processes * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_10_decision-aware_business_processes_v1_.pdf|Slide Overview}} * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_11_decision_modelling_v2_.pdf|Decision Modelling}} * Business Rules * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:abit_12_business_rules_v2_.pdf|Business Rules Slide}} * Information Technology Infrastructure Library * [[http://wiki.en.it-processmaps.com/index.php/Main_Page|ITIL Wiki Link]] * eCH Framework - [[http://www.ecompetences.eu/|External Link]] **Software** * [[https://ap.visual-paradigm.com/fhnw-university-of-applied-sciences-northwestern-switzerland|Download ArchiMetric and get Licence Key]] **Testi di Riferimento** * Bridgeland, David M. and Zahavi, Ron (2009): Business Modelling - A Practical Guide to Realizing Business Value. Morgan Kaufman Publishers. * Definition of OMG modelling standards on http://www.omg.org * Hanschke, Inge (2010): Strategic IT Management - A Toolkit for Enterprise Architecture Management. Springer-Verlag. * Ahlemann, F., Stettiner, E., Messerschmidt, M., & Legner, C. (Eds.) (2012). Strategic Enterprise Architecture Management. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. * Further learning resources distributed during the course . ---- ===== Assignment ===== The assignment is a project in parallel to the lessons. It counts 50% to the final grade. **In general the Assignment has to be delivered one week before the exam.** * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:swissbikes1-03_engl.pdf|Swiss Bikes Case}} * {{:didattica:magistrale:abit:ay_1516:2016_abit_casestudy.pdf|Swiss Bikes Case Assignment}} * Deadlines: * Phase 1: 6th of May 2016 * Phase 2: 27th of May 2016 * **Final Submission: 15th of June 2016** ---- ===== Esami ===== **Date Esami A.A. 2015/2016** * 22/06/2016 10:00 - 11:00 * 06/07/2016 14:00 - 15:00 * 27/07/2016 10:00 - 11:00 * 14/09/2016 10:00 - 11:00 * 28/09/2016 14:00 - 15:00 * 06/02/2017 10:00 - 11:00 **Regole di esame**: * Assessment consists of two parts: (i) written examination, closed book (50%) and (ii) assessment of the case study (50%). ** Risultati Esame ** * N/A