====== Research Papers Assignment ======
Students should select one of the paper listed below, among the one not assigned yet. The assignment policy is FIFO. The task requires to students to thoughtfully read the paper in order to prepare a presentation of 20-30 minutes plus questions.
In the presentation the student should make clear which was the research question targeted by the authors and which are the issues/hurdles related to the research question. Then the presentation should provide details on the proposed solutions clearly explaining why the solution is a solution, in their understanding. It is also recommended to have a look to a couple of additional papers related to the one assigned in order to get a better understanding of the topic.
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:1-s2.0-s1877050916319895-main.pdf |Testing environment for CPS by cooperating model checking with execution testing}}
* Assigned to: **Marc Poy** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:a84-woehrle.pdf |Conformance Testing for Cyber-Physical Systems}}
* Assigned to: **Joni Seraj** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:07515457.pdf |Automatically Discovering, Reporting and Reproducing Android Application Crashes}}
* Assigned to: **Morshed Jaman Adnan** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:android.pdf |Systematic Execution of Android Test Suites in Adverse Conditions}}
* Assigned to: **Le Douairon Mathieu** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:p94-mao.pdf |Sapienz: Multi-objective Automated Testing for Android Applications}}
* Assigned to: **Sidorela Suli** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:07515469.pdf |Predicting Testability of Concurrent Programs}}
* Assigned to: **Abir Al Quraishi** - Wednesday 5th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:07515476.pdf |How well are your requirements tested?}}
* Assigned to: **Manuela Graf** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:p213-goffi.pdf |Automatic Generation of Oracles Exceptional Behaviors}}
* Assigned to: **Marco Vittorini Orgeas** - Thursday 6th
* {{ :didattica:magistrale:atse:ay_2021:06823880.pdf |Automated Generation of Oracles for Testing User-Interaction Features of Mobile Apps}}
* Assigned to: **Ngọc Anh Nguyễn** - Thursday 6th