====== IoT and Data Analytics ====== ===== News ===== **Exam rules update**: students must confirm their presence to the next exam sessions at least 5 days before the exam date. Confirmation must be send to by mail to the teacher, esse3 registration is not sufficient. **Exam 2020-06-19 results update**: results are available [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/165v6F13n0yALvw1bj8uu3oLm1gHI5OoU/view?usp=sharing|here]]. Students that accept the proposed vote must send a confirmation mail to the teacher. Exam will be registered online on ESSE3. **Course update**: students are asked to complete the assessment questionnaire for this course. **Exam update**: **intermediate evaluation part 2 is scheduled for 19th of June, 2020 at 9:30am**. Instructions are available [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/125XJvEzjsTsIbaXGUVFRhr_h6ewqx3nSAk0LXyf0Fxg/edit?usp=sharing|here]]. Registration requests will end one hour before the exam session. Students that will not send the registration mail are not allowed to give the exam. **Exam Partial 1**: results are available [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w_c2kmGzvSt41C9z8EYSK8Pj8vzFIPVn/view?usp=sharing|here]]. **Course update**: additional IDA lesson is scheduled for the 21th of May 2020 at 14:00pm. **Exam update**: **intermediate evaluation part 1 is scheduled for 8th of May, 2020 at 9:30am**. Instructions are available [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/14cBj5FCDSbOqhktZn69HBpdBP-gpCyaQ1SOLzvr53uo/edit?usp=sharing|here]]. Registration requests will end one hour before the exam session. Students that will not send the registration mail are not allowed to give the exam. **Exam update**: intermediate evaluation (Part 1) is scheduled for the 8th of May, 2020 at 9:30 - online via webex. Detailed about exam rules will be published soon. **Homework update**: students must send a confirmation mail about 1) team composition and 2) homework idea to amiliano.anceschi[at]gruppofilippetti.it, dtmassimo.callisto[at]unicam.it. **Homework available**: homework description available [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyKyFootOPOo_6oJBE4dhEr0fxzbBIlIAO_Ba5p6zWk/edit?usp=sharing|here]]. **No lesson 10th of april**: lesson suspended for the Easter holidays. **Course start**: the first lesson is planned for 13th of March 2019, only via webex room. ---- ===== General Info ===== **Teacher**: * Dr. Massimo Callisto De Donato , Ing. Emiliano Anceschi (Part I) **ESSE3 Link** * --- **Webex Link** * https://unicam.webex.com/meet/massimo.callisto **Lessons schedule**: * 42 h - lectures, exercise sessions * Schedule on Friday from 9:00am to 13:00pm * LB1 room * Schedule part 1 (tentative) * 13-mar-20 - 09:00-13:00 * 20-mar-20 - 09:00-13:00 * 27-mar-20 - 09:00-12:00 * 03-apr-20 - 09:00-12:00 * 17-apr-20 - 09:00-12:00 * 24-apr-20 - 09:00-13:00 * Schedule part 2 (tentative) * 15-may-20 - 09:00-13:00 * 21-may-20 - 14:00-18:00 (with EDA course) * 22-may-20 - 09:00-13:00 * 29-may-20 - 09:00-13:00 * 05-jun-20 - 09:00-12:00 (EDA students can skip this lesson) * 12-jun-20 - 09:00-11:00 (EDA students can skip this lesson) (*) Only for non-EDA students. **Students Office hours**: * Send an e-mail to the teacher to fix an appointment. ---- ===== Course Objectives ===== * Knowledge of the main wireless communication protocols for the IoT * Understanding of the requirements and problems in the design of IoT devices * Knowledge of the IoT processing models: Fog, Edge and Cloud computing * Understanding of the reference contexts for the industrial IoT * Acquire knowledge and competence on IoT Analytics methodologies, techniques and technologies. * Apply IoT Data Analysis techniques on practical case studies. ---- ===== Syllabus ===== **Part 1: Internet of Things** * The IoT reference architecture * Computing models: Fog, Edge, Cloud * Anatomy of an IoT device: characteristics and requirements * Modern wireless communication protocols * IoT data protocol * An IoT use case **Part 2: IoT Data Analytics** * IoT Platform architectures * Introducing to IoT analytics: computational models and Big Data Analytics * Cloud Analytics fo IoT * Moving computatioin to the edge * Application use cases examples ---- ===== Study material ===== **Course Slides** * Slides {{ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16xmRXtlrI-7JvsOARmA2DoHMu0RwmPhG?usp=sharing | link}} **Webex** * Web links {{ https://docs.google.com/document/d/10KAsXIADAiJ-nPopdNmWAa4dKmJs0XzzoW0yIf-F1ZQ/edit?usp=sharing | link}} **Materials** * Slides course * Materials: * IoT Reference Architecture resources {{ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ORIdMACeyXzEuQMMeL818eP30f9QfzMd?usp=sharing | link}} * Communication protocols {{ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1khQG2v-s4C0oFe3uV_0oMEhIyJrH-vZm?usp=sharing | link}} * Homeworks {{https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TXlGpoXA6Pli-C2jlJyaK1wgYG1ITmKn?usp=sharing|link}} * Further readings: * [Book] //The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases//. Pethuru Raj, Anupama C. Raman - 2017 * SALEEM, Tausifa Jan; CHISHTI, Mohammad Ahsan. Data Analytics in the Internet of Things: A Survey. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, 2019, 20.4: 607-630. [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUeUuHUThUWNW1qcfkM7Sx6EaFrutu-n/view?usp=sharing|link]] * Dylan Scott, //Kafka in Action//. Manning Publisher - ISBN 9781617295232. * Neha Narkhede, Gwen Shapira, Todd Palino, //Kafka: The Definitive Guide: Real-Time Data and Stream Processing at Scale//. O'Reilly Media, Inc - ISBN: 9781491936160. ---- ===== Exams ===== **Exam Dates A.Y. 2019/2010 (tentative)** * 08/05/2020 - intermediate evaluation part 1 (tentative) * 19/06/2020 - intermediate evaluation part 2 (tentative) * 07/09/2020 * 07/30/2020 * 09/03/2020 * 10/01/2020 * 10/22/2020 * 12/10/2020 * 01/14/2021 * 02/11/2021 **Exam rules (tentative)**: * Part 1 (intermediate evaluation) * Writing Examination * Homework ([[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyKyFootOPOo_6oJBE4dhEr0fxzbBIlIAO_Ba5p6zWk/edit?usp=sharing|description]]) * Part 2 (intermediate evaluation) * Homework ([[https://docs.google.com/document/d/125XJvEzjsTsIbaXGUVFRhr_h6ewqx3nSAk0LXyf0Fxg/edit?usp=sharing|description part 2]]) * Final exam will consider both intermediate evaluations. ** Exam Results ** * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/165v6F13n0yALvw1bj8uu3oLm1gHI5OoU/view?usp=sharing|2020-06-19]]