====== Knowledge Management and Competence Development ====== ---- ===== News ===== * **October 3, 2017**: Course details available: {{ :didattica:magistrale:kmcd:ay_2021:programme_msc_bis_km_2017.pdf |Course Programme}} and {{ :didattica:magistrale:kmcd:ay_2021:module_description_km_2017.pdf |module description}} ---- ===== General Info ===== **Teacher**: * [[http://www.fhnw.ch/people/urs-groehbiel/|Urs Gröhbiel]] **ESSE3 Link** * [[https://didattica.unicam.it/Guide/PaginaADErogata.do?ad_er_id=2018*N0*N0*A1*14571*8955&ANNO_ACCADEMICO=2018&mostra_percorsi=S|Knowledge Management and Competence Development - AY 2018/2019]] **Lessons schedule**: * The course is held by Prof. Dot. Urs Gröhbiel and Dr. Christoph Pimmer from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW; it is held in e-learning style with on-line sessions. Course lectures are scheduled for: * October 13th until December 21st 2017   * Friday, 1.15 till 6 pm (UTC/GMT +2 till end of Oct., afterwards UTC/GMT +1) **Contacts**: * Prof. Dr. Urs Gröhbiel urs.groehbiel@fhnw.ch skype: urs.groehbiel * Dr. Christoph Pimmer (christoph.pimmer@fhnw.ch) skype: pimchris * Tutor Fabrizio Fornari fabrizio.fornari@unicam.it ---- ===== Course Objectives ===== Knowledge management (KM) and competence development (CD) are crucial for knowledge intensive organizations. The identification, development, use and documentation of knowledge have to be aligned with goals and processes. To support these processes effectively with information and communication technologies (ICT), we need to understand how people share knowledge and develop competences in companies. On this basis we design measures to promote learning as well as the sharing and application of knowledge. By the end of this course, participants can … * **Explain** sophisticated concepts and research findings in the area of KM&CD. * **Apply** these findings to KM&CD situations in their own work contexts or in cases. * **Design** innovative KM&CD solutions in their own work situations or in other contexts,tackling challenges in contemporary knowledge organisations. * **Research** and discuss recent developments and academic findings in KM&CD. ---- ===== Course Contents ===== Key methods of this module are self-directed learning with online presentations and assignments (5 of 8 are compulsory), the discussion of concepts and research findings, the reflection of cases and personal experience as well as the problem-based development of solutions. We will not only talk about the use of the technologies but experiment with different forms of eLearning such as eConferencing, eCollaboration and mobile learning in the course itself. We will examine the potential of recent trends in areas such as Web 2.0, mobile learning or work-based learning in the context of the working situation of the course participants and of international organisations. The following **topics** will be dealt with and applied to the context of the course participants: - KM concepts and tools: designing and implementing solutions integrated in the value chain - Pedagogical design: Basics of designing effective solutions to foster competence development in organizations - Communication: Designing and researching communication systems including principles of design research, participatory design, scenario-based approaches - Mobile knowledge systems: concepts and cases for mobile KM and mobile learning from various industries and public health organisations - Social Mobile Media: using mobiles and social software to support problem-solving, coaching, self-reflection, identity building in working contexts **Structure of the course**: * I. Introduction: Overview, selection of topics and projects, team building (2 sessions) * II. Theory and semester assignment (8 sessions) * III. Reflexion, student presentations° and cases°° (3 sessions) * IV. Review (1 session) ° Selection of student investigations (presentation by authors, moderation and report by other team) °° Cases from experienced KM practitioners and researcherstioners and researchersnced KM practitioners and researchersoners and researchers ---- ===== Study material ===== **Course Slides** * They will be available, and accessible, [[https://groups.inside.fhnw.ch/workspace_sites/KMMScBIS/Dokumente/Forms/AllItems.aspx| online]] after the students receive their credentials. * **Reference books** * References will be given during the lectures * ... * ---- ===== Exams & Assignments===== **Exam Dates A.Y. 2016/2017** * Deadline I: Submission of semester assignment  DRAFT for Peer Evaluation   Dec. 29th 23.55 h * Deadline II: Submission of evaluation of two other assignments Dec. 6th 23.55 h * Deadline III: Submission of final version of your semester assignment Dec. 20th 23.55 h **Exam rules**: ** Exam Results ** * N/A