====== Process Mining ======
===== News =====
* Next Process Mining Exam will be at 28th February 16:00-18:00 in AB3
* 2° February Exam result are available
* Project Presentation: 18/01/2017 (time to decide) "Review of Process Mining approaches that mine Declarative Business Process Model"
* Project Presentation: 15/01/2017 16:00-18:00 "Review of Process Mining approaches that mine organizational view"
* Exam Simulation Evaluation are available, send me an email to know your mark!
* ** Next Process Mining's Lesson will be on 18° December 2017 from 4 to 6 PM **
* **Next Process Mining's Lesson will be 4° December 2017 from 4 PM to 6 PM **
* ** Exam Simulation 18/12/2017 from 16:00 to 18:00 **: test your self before the exam!!
* ** "Project Day" 14/12/2017: **we will spend the 2 hours talking about your project. You can ask and show your work before the exam!
* **Next Process Mining's Lesson will be 6° November 2017 from 4 PM to 6 PM**
* **Next Process Mining's Lesson will be 9° October 2017 from 4 PM to 6 PM**
* **October 2rd, 2017: the first Lesson of the course!!**
===== General Info =====
* Riccardo Cognini
* riccardo.cognini@unicam.it
**Lessons Scheduling:**
* 42 h - lecture and exercise sessions
* Monday: 16:00 PM – 18:00 PM
* Thursday: 16:00 PM – 18:00 PM
===== Course Objectives =====
The course intends to provide a scientific point of view in the topic of Process Mining.
A short introduction to Business Process Management and modeing languages are provided in order to understand the how the logs can be mapped into a modeling language.
Then, the approaches to mine Business Process from event logs will be studied in deep - from alpha algorthm to complex technique.
===== Course Contents =====
===== Study material =====
** Course Slides **
* Lesson 0 - Course Information ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_0_-_course_introduction.pdf |}})
* Lesson 1 - Introduction to Data and Process Mining ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_1a_-_data_mining.pdf |}} , {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_1b_-_data_mining_2.pdf |}} , {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_1c_-_process_mining_introduction.pdf |}})
* Lesson 2 - BPM ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_2_-_bpm.pdf |}})
* Lesson 3 - Modeling Languages ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_3_-_modeling_languages_1.pdf |}} , {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_3ex_-_bpmn_modeling.pdf |}} , {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_3ex_-_logs_to_bpmn.pdf |}})
* Lesson 4 - Modeling Languages 2 ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_4_-_modeling_languages_2.pdf |}})
* Lesson 5 - From BPMN to Petri-Nets ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_5_-_petrinet_to_bpmn.pdf |}} , {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_5_-_table_rules.pdf |}})
* Modeling Languages PM Exercises ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:exercises.zip |}})
* Lesson 6 - Process Mining and Logs ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_6_-_process_mining_and_logs.pdf |}})
* Play-In, Play-out and Replay Exercises ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:img_exercises.zip |}})
* Projects List ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:project_list.pdf |}})
* Lesson 7 - Alpha Algorithm ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_7_-_alpha_algorithm.pdf |}})
* Alpha Algorithm exercies ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:alpha_exercises.zip |}})
* Lesson 8 - Advanced Techniques ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_8_-_advanced_technique.pdf |}})
* Lesson 9 - Other Topics and Conformance Checking ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:lesson_9_-_process_mining_topics.pdf |}})
* Exam Simulation ({{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:exam_simulation.docx |}} {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:exam_simulation_result.zip |}} )
**Reference book:**
* Process Mining – Discovery, Conformance and Enhancement of Business Processes (Springer)
===== Exams =====
* 2° February 2018 (results {{ :didattica:magistrale:pm:ay_1718:process_mining_exam_evaluation_2feb2018.docx |}})