====== Double Degree Programs ====== For Double Degree it is intended the possibility of getting **two degrees**, one from UNICAM and one from a Partner University in another Country, within the same time of study of the student's current Study Program. The obligation of the student is to **move to the selected Partner University** for a period of time **completing the exams** specified in the agreement signed by UNICAM and the Partner University. At UNICAM there are currently three Partner Universities for the Master of Science in Computer Science and two Partner Universities for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. ===== Double Degree for the Master of Science in Computer Science (Laurea Magistrale in Computer Science) ===== The double degree program can be completed **IN TWO YEARS** of study (120 ECTS) moving to the Partner University at least for a semester. **Current Partner Universities:** * Reykjavik University (RU) at Reykjavik, Iceland * Master of Science in Computer Science * University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) at Olten, Switzerland * Master of Science in Business Information Systems * Universidad Nacional De Catamarca (UNCa) at Catamarca, Argentina * Titulo de Grado en Ingenieria En Informática **Double Degree for MSc - Requirements for Participation and Procedure for Attendance ** - Register @ UNICAM Laurea Magistrale in Computer Science as a standard student - Be sure to have an English Certification of level >= B2 OR to pass the Unicam exam ENGLISH LANGUAGE - LEVEL B2 6 ECTS **in the first semester exam session** - Perform well during the first semester: **at least 18 ECTS passed (including English)** must be completed in the first semester - if not, participation to the Double Degree is not possible - Apply for Double Degree position and grant - Call available at [[https://www.unicam.it/bandi |https://www.unicam.it/bandi]] every academic year n/n+1 around March n+1 for leaving in August/September n+1 - Prof. Michele Loreti (responsible for the MSc in Computer Science) can be contacted for clarification and discussion - Upon selection, Prof. Michele Loreti and Prof. Luca Tesei will formally approve and sign the Learning Agreement containing the exams to be completed at the Partner University during the mobility - You can apply, in case of Double Degree with RU, also for the Erasmus+ position and/or grant. The Erasmus+ call is available at [[https://www.unicam.it/bandi |https://www.unicam.it/bandi]] every academic year n/n+1 around March n+1 for leaving in academic year n+1/n+2. **The Erasmus+ grant is not compatible with the Double Degree grant**, in case of a student getting both grants he/she must opt only for one of them - Perform well during the second semester: **at least 48 ECTS** must be completed before the mobility, ** - if not, the student will be excluded** from the Double Degree - Start the mobility towards the Partner university - Complete all credits (30 ECTS) at the Partner University - Develop the Master Thesis (back in Unicam or at the Partner University) under the supervision of one professor at Unicam and one professor at the Partner University - Pass the Defense of the Thesis (the committee of evaluation will be formed by professors of Unicam and professors of the Partner University) ===== Double Degree for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Laurea in Informatica) ===== The double degree program can be completed **IN THREE YEARS** of study (180 ECTS) moving to the Partner University at least for two semesters. **Current Partner Universities:** * Hanoi University (HANU) at Hanoi, Vietnam * Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - [[informazioni:doubledegree:ddhanu|Full Information HANU]] **Double Degree for BSc - Requirements for Participation and Procedure for Attendance ** - Register @ UNICAM Laurea in Informatica as a standard student - Perform well during the first year and the second year. At the beginning of the second semester of the second year you will be asked to apply for one of the two double degrees. - At the beginning of the second semester of the second year, to be eligible to apply, you must have completed **at least 72 ECTS** of the courses of the first year and of the first semester of the second year - At the beginning of the second semester of the second year, to be eligible to apply, you must have an **English certification of level >= B2** or, equivalently, have passed the UNICAM exam ENGLISH LANGUAGE - LEVEL B2 6 ECTS - Apply for Double Degree position and grant - Call available at [[https://www.unicam.it/bandi |https://www.unicam.it/bandi]] every academic year n/n+1 around March n+1 for leaving in August/September n+1 - Prof. Francesco Tiezzi (Responsible for the BSc Degree in Informatica) can be contacted for clarification and discussion - Prof. Francesco Tiezzi and Prof. Luca Tesei will also formally approve and sign the Learning Agreement containing the exams to be completed at the Partner University during the mobility - You can apply also for the Erasmus+ position and/or grant for going to MDX. However, this position (there is only one available) is not compatible with the double degree one. Erasmus+ students do not have to pay tuition fees to the partner university when studying there. The Erasmus+ call is available [[http://www.unicam.it/bandi|here]]. - Perform well during the second semester of the second year: **at least 120 ECTS** must be completed before the mobility, ** - if not, the student will be excluded** from the Double Degree. - Start the mobility towards the Partner University - Complete all credits (60 ECTS) at the Partner University - Come back to UNICAM, write the report of "Prova Finale" and discuss it in one of the graduation dates available.