Advanced Business and Management


  • October 22nd, 2014: the course web site is now on-line

General Info


Lessons schedule:

  • 1st time slot
  • 2nd time slot
  • 3rd time slot

Students reception hours:

  • Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Course Objectives

This course analyzes the financial structure of the firm and its relation to the optimal investment strategy both in the long run and in the short term. The goals of the course are the following:

[a] What capital structure to adopt for investment strategies in the long run;

[b] How to calculate the value of investment projects when there are bankruptcy costs and taxation;

[c] How to manage the cash flow in the short term in order to evade the payment due dates;

[d] What financial and legal policies are viable in case of the financial distress of a firm.

Course Contents

Sequence of different topics of the course:

[+] Long term debt, equity, common stocks and preferred stocks;

[+] Capital markets, stock returns, and efficiency;

[+] Financial leverage and firm value;

[+] Modigliani-Miller's proposition;

[+] Pecking-order theory;

[+] Methods for capital budgeting for leveraged firms;

[+] Net working capital and cash cycle of the firm;

[+] Cash and liquidity management;

[+] Credit and inventory policy;

[+] Financial distress, bankruptcy, liquidation and the Z-Score model.

Study material

Course Slides

  • slide 1st lesson
  • [to be updated during the completion of the course]

Reference books

  • Corporate Finance, Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe, Mc Graw Hill, 2009 ISBN 0073382337, for the 9e edition only the following chapters: 14,15,16,17,18, 26, 27, 28, 30. This edition is available at UniCam's library.


Exam Dates A.Y. 2014/2015

  • Winter session dates here
  • Summer session dates here
  • Autumn session dates here
  • Winter session dates here (2016)

Exam rules:

The exam is in written form with possibility of integration with an oral discussion.

Exam Results

  • N/A