ESSE3 Link
Lessons schedule:
The course intends to illustrate to the students the relevance of quality in the production of Information Systems with a particular focus on those information systems based on models. The course, then, faces the quality assurance of such systems from two different perspectives. The first one is that of the quality of models used to define the behaviour of Information Systems. In particular considered issues are related to behavioural and quantitative aspects. For what concern behavioural aspect the course will focus on verification techniques; model transformation from semi-formal to formal notation will be presented as well as execution states exploration strategies. Related quantitative aspects of flow analysis, queueing analysis, the simulation will be discussed. This will make it possible to analyze models and related information systems in terms of process performance measures (i.e. cycle time, waiting time, cost, and other measures). The second perspective instead refers to software testing. In this case, the student will learn about the main objectives and issues of testing an Information Systems, and how to structure a software testing process for complex Information Systems selecting among the many available strategies. As a result, the student will acquire competencies that will permit him/her to select the right strategy to adopt in real-world scenarios. The course will also illustrate the usage of concrete tools to perform the different activities introduced for bot quality assurance approaches.
Enterprise and Business Process Models
Course Slides
Class Recording
Exam Dates A.Y. 2020/2021
Exam rules: The exam consists of a written test (1h 30 m). It has a mixed structure: solution of exercises, and open/close answer questionnaire.