Business Process Digitalization and Cloud Computing


  • Check the new dates below for the presentations
  • December 14th lecture is postponed: Next lecture: Thursday December 15
  • November 26th, 2016: Next class is scheduled for December 7th in Polo Ludovici room AB1
  • November 7th, 2016: The presentations scheduled for November 21-22th will be postponed until new communication.

General Info


  • Morichetta Andrea

Lessons schedule:

  • 42 h - lecture and exercise sessions
  • Wednesday 14:00 - 16:00 (classroom AB1 “Polo Ludovici”)
  • Thursday 14:00 - 16:00 (classroom AB1 “Polo Ludovici”)

Students Office hours:

  • After lesson or by appointment
  • Office :

Course Objectives

  • Prerequisite knowledge:Business process management and flexibility, BPMN, Choreography, Programming experience
  • Course Objectives:The course introduce the student to the basic knowledge of Business Process Management and workflow management system. The course then aims at supporting business process within an application software system or between a set of application systems, effectively integrated in an enterprise software system architecture. The course introduce the notions of software oriented architecture and cloud computing useful for the implementation of business process.

Course Contents

  • Evolution of Enterprise Systems Architectures
    • Traditional Application Development
    • Enterprise Applications and their Integration
    • Workflow Management
    • Enterprise Services Computing
  • Understanding SOA
    • Integration of Applications and Data
    • Agility, Flexibility, and Alignment
    • Architectural Principles and Practices
    • What Is Service-Oriented Architecture?
    • What Is a Service?
  • Designing SOA for business
    • Starting with the Business
    • Designing Service Interfaces
    • Designing Service Implementations
    • Composing Services
    • Using Services to Build Enterprise Solutions
  • Cloud Infrastructures
    • Introduction To cloud
    • Cloud Fundamentals
    • Cloud Computing Models including Infrastructure/Platform/Software–as-a-service
    • Public cloud, private cloud and hybrid clouds

Study material

Course Slides


Reference books

  • Business Process Management. Concepts, Languages, Architectures. Weske, Mathias 2007, ISBN: 9780321155559
  • soabook.jpeg Applied SOA service-oriented architecture and design strategies. Michael Rosen, Boris Lublinsky, Kevin T. Smith, Marc J. Balcer, ISBN: 0470223650.


Exam Dates A.Y. 2016/2017

  • Appello I: 01/03/2017 ore 14:00 - Polo Lodovici - AB1
  • Appello II: 16/03/2017 ore 14:00 - Polo Lodovici - AB1
  • Appello III: 28/06/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
  • Appello IV: 05/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
  • Appello V: 21/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
  • Appello VI: 06/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
  • Appello VII: 20/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
  • Appello VIII:04/10/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici

Exam rules:

  • Short survey presentation: One scientific topic will be assigned to each group (max 2 people). A short survey on the topic will be performed, and a presentation will be given by the group during the class period. A precise plan of the presentation will be provided.
  • Software Project: Groups of maximum 2 people will have to choose an open problem, and provide a complete software solution with artifacts. A short report have to be delivered before the oral part. Project selection has to be submitted to my evaluation. In case a group is not able to select a project will have to notify the teacher in advance.
  • Oral presentation The group has to show the software artifact to the teacher, combined with a short technical presentation or a technical report. The report has to be sent at least two days before the oral exam.

Exam Results


  • Presentation Results: link