Lessons Scheduling (Tentative):
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This course focuses on modelling activity that allows abstracting and reasoning on how an enterprise is organized and how the work is structured within complex organizations. In particular, business process models represent blueprints that can serve different purposes for a variety of stakeholder. For example, business analysts can use these models to better understand how the organization works; employees playing a role in the process can use them to learn the tasks that they are supposed to perform; software analysts/developers can refer to the models to understand the system-as-is before designing the system-to-be. Given the variety of stakeholders that need to interpret these models, and considering the pivotal function that models play within organizations, models quality becomes fundamental.
At the end of the course, the students will gain some familiarity with enterprise and business process terminology, with different frameworks, models and languages for the representation of enterprise and business processes. The students will also experiment with some tools.
Introduction to Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Modelling.
Introduction to Business Process Management.
Business Process Modelling.
Business Process Analysis.
Slides are available in the following:
Modelling Environment - APROMORE @UniCam * http://apromore.unicam.it/
WoPeD (Workflow Petri Net Designer) * http://woped.dhbw-karlsruhe.de/woped/
Reference Textbooks
Reference Textbooks
Dates available at https://didattica.unicam.it/Home.do
Exams Rules:
Exam Results