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MSc In Computer Science
Lessons Schedule
List of Courses Activated in the Academic Year 2016/2017
- List of courses in alphabetic order
1st year (coorte 2016-2017)
- English Language (B2 Level) (6 CFU)
- Complex System Design (12 CFU)
- Exams depending from the curriculum (30 CFU):
- Software Modeling and Verification (SMV) Curriculum
- Enterprise Software Systems (ESS) Curriculum
- Software and Systems for Industries (SSI) Curriculum
- Degree Selection (for all curricula - 6 CFU):
- Theory of Complexity (6 CFU) - 1st semenster
- Queuing Networks: Modeling (6 CFU) - 1st semenster
- Financial Management and Strategy (6 CFU) - 2nd semenster
- Software Engineering II (6 CFU) - 2nd semenster
- Networking Fundamentals (CISCO I-II) (6 CFU) - 1st and 2nd semenster
- Free Choice Exams (6 CFU)
2nd year (coorte 2015-2016)
- Software Project Management (12 CFU) - 1st semenster
- Exams depending from the curriculum (30 CFU):
- Software Modeling and Verification (SMV) Curriculum
- Enterprise Software Systems (ESS) Curriculum
- Software and Systems for Industries (SSI) Curriculum
- Free Choice (6 CFU)