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Distributed Calculus and Coordination

  • September 29, 2020: The lectures start at 9:00 at LB1. Please follow the COVID security protocol of the phase 3, carefully!


ESSE3 Link

Lessons schedule:

  • Tuesday, 9am - 11pm (Room, LB1)
  • Thursday, 9am - 11pm (Room, LB1)

Students Office hours:

  • Thursday 11pm - 13pm, Polo Informatico - new building

D1 - KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING At the end of the course, the student should know and understand:

  1. the issues related to the modelling of a complex system
    1. the concept of entanglement between structure and behaviour
  2. the issues related to the dynamics of a complex system
    1. the role of entropy for detecting the state of a complex system
    2. the concept of emerging behaviour
  3. the differences among models and languages
    1. the three formal aspects of a complex system: computation, coordination and adaptation
    2. the automata-based modelling and regular languages (FSMs)
    3. the process-based modelling and algebraic languages (CCS)
    4. the agent-based modelling and coordination languages (Klaim)

D2 - APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. characterise the structure and dynamics of complex systems
  2. distinguish interactions from relations, so as communication from coordination
  3. correlate the behavioural and structural components of a complex system
  4. analyse whether to apply an agent-base model to a real context

D3 - MAKING JUDGEMENTS At the end of the course, the student must be able to select:

  1. the best calculus to characterize the structure of a complex system
  2. the more suitable approach to model the behaviour of a complex system;


  1. write a short review in LaTex
  2. write an essay about the assigned research topic
  3. make a short presentation of the assigned topic

D5 - LEARNING SKILLS At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  1. autonomously understand if the evolution of the model of a given system can be described and coordinated through the analysis of its phenomenological data.

  1. Models and languages for distributed Calculus: process algebraic calculi, rule-based (CHAM), membrane-based (P-Systems).
  2. Coordination models and languages: Linda, Klaim
  3. Concurrent Programming paradigms: Agent-oriented, Actor-based.
  4. Multiagent modelling and simulation environments: REPAST
  5. Topological data analysis for driven modelling: S[B]

Course Slides

  • slide 1st lesson

Reference books

  1. N. Khakpour, E. Merelli, M. Sirjani, L. Tesei. A Formal Approch to Multi-level Adaptive Systems: Modelling ad Analysis - Lecture Notes
  2. M.Wooldrige, An Introduction to Multiagent Systems,John Wiley & Sons, 2009
  3. L. Aceto, A.Ingosfdottier, K. Larsen Reactive Systems: Modelling, Specification and Verification (Cambridge University Press, 2007
  4. A. Zomorodiam, Topology for computing, Cambridge Univerisity Press, 2005

Exam Dates A.Y. 2015/2016

  • Winter session dates here
  • Summer session dates here
  • Autumn session dates here
  • Winter session dates here (2016)

Exam rules:

  • Homeworks
  • Development of a project (group or individual assignment).

Exam Results

  • N/A