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Domain Specific Formal Languages
- Lesson of 26th of January is postponed, due to the graduation day
- January 10th, 2017: First in itinere test
- October 18th, 2016: this lecture is postponed
- October 3rd, 2016: first lecture
General Info
Lessons schedule:
- Monday 15 - 17 (D. M. Ritchie room)
- Tuesday 9 - 11 (D. M. Ritchie room)
Students Office hours:
- on appointment (via email), room CS 08, second floor of Polo Tecnologico Palazzo Battibocca, via del Bastione 1, Camerino
Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Have the knowledge of the syntax and semantics of the formal languages at the basis of the DSL introduced in the course, i.e. CCS and pi-calculus.
- Have the knowledge of DSLs and related tools for distributed systems, service-oriented systems, access control policies, cloud computing systems, autonomic systems, and business process modelling.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Model a system using the appropriate formal language among those presented in the course.
- Derive the labelled transition system associated to a formal specification.
- Use software tools specific for the analysis and development of the considered classes of systems.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Identify the best language suitable for describing a given system.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Present the modelling and analysis of a system under study using a formal style.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Search the scientific literature for specific advances in formalisms and software tools aimed at modelling and verifying systems.
- Autonomously learn to define formalisms for different application domains.
Course Contents
- Brief introduction to preliminary mathematical concepts at the basis of the topic faced in the course.
- Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- From CCS to pi-calculus: syntax and semantics
- DSL for distributed systems: Dpi, Djoin, Ambient, Klaim/Klava
- DSL for service-oriented systems: COWS/SocL/CMC, CaSPiS, SOCK/Jolie, Blite/BliteC
- DSL for access control policies: FACPL
- DSL for cloud computing systems: SLAC/dSLAC, Mobica
- DSL for autonomic systems: SCEL/jRESP
- DSL for business process modelling: BPMN formalisation
Content from the FORMAL MODELLING OF SOFTWARE INTENSIVE SYSTEMS course, such as finite state automata; context-free grammars; inference systems; syntax and semantics of CCS. These topics will be anyway briefly illustrated at the beginning of the course.
Study material
Course Slides
- 20 December (password: pBGM3hmq)
- 23 December (password: gYevPmJ2)
- 13 January (password: tPbbSnN2)
- 27 January (password: kJF4Yxf9)
- 2 February (password: gYEQ6a6c)
Reference books
- The teaching material of the course consists of lecture notes, papers and slides provided by the teacher in this website.
Exam Dates A.Y. 2016/2017
- Appello I: 28/02/2017 ore 14:00 - Polo Lodovici - AB1
- Appello II: 16/03/2017 ore 14:00 - Polo Lodovici - AB1
- Appello III: 19/06/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
- Appello IV: 10/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
- Appello V: 26/07/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
- Appello VI: 8/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
- Appello VII: 22/09/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
- Appello VIII: 20/10/2017 ore 10:00 - Polo Lodovici
Exam rules:
Learning outcomes are assessed using two different tests:
- Written test. On the exam date a written test takes place, it has a mixed structure: solution of exercises, and open/close answer questionnaire. During the course in itinere tests take place; in case they are evaluated positively, they replace the written test of the exam date.
- Realisation of a project with a software tool presented during the course, or writing of a report. There is an oral discussion.
Exam Results
- N/A