Embedded Systems: Architecture

  • 16/11/2016: the course web site is now on-line


Students Office hours:

  • By appointment via e-mail

Objective of the course

  • Provide a minimum approach to electronic concepts and components, develop an architecture for an embedded system.
  • Project and development of an embedded system using fast prototyping instruments.
  • Provide also needed skills in the embedded system enviorement regarding:
    • Business - budgeting and time management
    • Software engineering/reengineering
    • Teamwork
    • Components reuse
    • Human communication - written and spoken
    • Testing and Validation
    • Creating models


  • Embedded system architecture


  • Voltage and current
  • Analog signals
  • Sampling Theorem
  • Power
  • Reading schematics
  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • RC circuits
  • Inductors
  • Transformers and Diods
  • Crystals and digital signal
  • Logic gates
  • Reading the datasheet
  • Power sources
  • Connecting hardware (tool, Soldering, boards)
  • BOM
  • PCB, schematics, cricuits

Peripherals and Communication

  • SPI
  • I2C
  • CAN Bus (Extra Lecture)
  • UART


  • ADC: interfacing an ADC
  • Signal Analysis
  • Type of sensors
  • Sensors Overview
  • Actuactors Overview
  • IMUs, Accelerometers, Gyroscopes and Magnetometers



  • Projects


  • Theorical Questions

Exam Rules You have to notify at least 5 working days before oral exam that you're almost done with your documentation and i can take a look at it. If documentation 5 days before oral exam is not enough clear and detailed, you will receive an e-mail. Three different scenarios will be available:

  • Scenario 1: I tell you that you're not ready for the exam and you have to improve your documentation, you will not have enogh time to
  • Scenario 2: You are almost done, I leave comments about your documentation and you have to be done documentation in the right way 2 working day before exam (I'll check it again).
  • Scenario 3: You are ready and I will accept you at the oral exam.

e.g. For exam on 11th June you should provide documentation on June 4th (5 working days before) but you can keep working on project development.

Prepare yourselves also for questions about what we did during lectures. Communication protocols, busses, IMUs and so on. Expecially about something you used in your project.

Choices about accepting/not accepting you at exams are not opinable, same for votes.