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Financial Management and Strategy

  • Insert the date here: the course web site is now on-line


Lessons schedule:

  • Thursday, 5pm - 7pm (Room, D. M. Ritchie)
  • Friday, 9am - 11am (Room, D. M. Ritchie)
  • 3rd time slot

Students Office hours:

  • Thursday from 1pm to 2pm, at the end of the lecture – same room.

This course analyzes the different dimensions of the financial structure of firms and its relation to the business strategy, constituted for example by the lunch an innovative product, entry in a new market, R&D projects, start-ups, etc. The goals of the course are the following:

I) What investment strategies to adopt in the long run;

II) What financial sources to use for sustaining those investment strategies;

III) How manage the cash flow in the short term in order to evade the payment due dates.


Course Slides

  • slide 1st lesson

Reference books

  • 1st book
  • 2nd book

Exam Dates A.Y. 2015/2016

  • Winter session dates here
  • Summer session dates here
  • Autumn session dates here
  • Winter session dates here (2016)

Exam rules:

Exam Results

  • N/A