This is an old revision of the document!
IoT Digital Lab
- Homeroks module 1 update: homework discussion is scheduled for 6th of June at 14:30 next room AB1.
- No lesson on 3th of June 2019: lecture suspended for this week. Next lecture: 13th of June.
- Homeroks module 1 update: homeworks along with rules are now available here here.
- Lesson update: 1th lesson of Module 2 will start the 6th of may.
- Lesson update: next lesson is scheduled for 29th of April
- Lesson update: starting from the 15th of April, lessons of monday will be held in LA2
- Lesson re-schedule: The lesson of the 8th of April is rescheduled for the 11th of April - 14:30-16:30 room AB2
- Course update: the course web site is now on-line
General Info
- Module 1 (21h):
- Ing. Emiliano Anceschi <emiliano.anceschi[at]>
- Dr. Massimo Callisto De Donato <massimo.callistodedonato[at]>
- Module 2 (21h):
- Alessandro Palmieri <alessandro.palmieri[at]>
ESSE3 Link
Lessons schedule:
- 42 h - lectures (2 modules), exercise sessions
- Schedule 9:00 am to 13:00pm
- LA2 - Polo “Carla Lodovici”
Students Office hours:
- Send an e-mail to the teacher to fix an appointment.
Course Objectives
- Knowledge of the main wireless communication protocols for the IoT
- Understanding of the requirements and problems in the design of IoT devices
- Knowledge of the IoT processing models: Fog, Edge and Cloud computing
- Understanding of the reference contexts for the industrial IoT
Course Contents
Module 1: Internet of Things
- IoT reference architecture
- Anatomy of IoT devices: characteristics and requirements
- Wireless Communication Protocol
- IoT protocol: MQTT, AMQP, CoAP, WAMP
- An IoT use case: the localization problem
Module 2: IoT and Industrial IoT
- Industrial IoT
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Industrial communication protocols
- Cisco Kinetic IoT Platform
- Application use cases examples
Study material
Course Slides
- Slides folder link
- 00 - Course introduction and rules
- 01 - Internet Of Things
- 02 - Computational models for IoT
- 03 - IoT Device
- 04 - Modern wireless communication protocols
- Module 2 - IIoT
- Web links doc
Exam Dates A.Y. 2018/2019
Exam rules (tentative):
- Module 1
- Writing Examination on the topics of the course
- Homework assignment evaluation ( Homeworks link)
- Module 2
- Homework assignment
- Oral exam with homework discussion
Exam Results
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