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MSc In Computer Science

All choices - Free Choice and Group II - must be communicated to the student secretary office in the initial part of the semester in which the selected courses are taught.

1st year (Students enrolled in 2020-2021)

  • Free Choice (6 ECTS) - 1st or 2nd Semester:
    • any other course of Group II of the same curriculum or of the other curricula can be selected as free choice; moreover, a course available in the School of Science and Technology may be selected under approval of the Coordinator of the Degree.

2nd year (Students enrolled in 2019-2020)

  • Free Choice (12 ECTS) - 2nd Semester:
    • any other course of Group II of the same curriculum or of the other curricula can be selected as free choice; moreover, a course available in the School of Science and Technology may be selected under approval of the Coordinator of the Degree.
  • Thesis (30 ECTS)

Phd Courses