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Performance Analysis and Simulation
- 19/09/2019 The page is online.
General Information
- Michele Loreti
ESSE3 Link
Lessons schedule:
- Tuesday, 4.00 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Room LA1)
- Thursday, 4.00 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Room LB1)
Course Objectives
In the course various aspects of computer-aided modelling for performance evaluation of (stochastic) dynamic systems will be introduced. The emphasis is on stochastic modelling of computer systems and communication networks; however other dynamic systems such as Collective Adaptive Systems and Cyber Physical Systems will also be considered. Different tools and techniques will be introduced to predict (or monitoring) system performance at the different stages of development.
Course Contents
- Modelling and Simulation
- Operational Laws
- Constructing and Solving Markov Processes
- More Complex Markov Processes
- Population Models
- Specification languages: Stochastic process Algebras
- Simulation Models: Introduction and Motivation
- Random Variables and Simulation
- Statistical Analysis of Systems
- Property specification
- Scalable analysis techniques
- Monitoring and Runtime Verification
Study Material
Course Slides
- Lecture 1, 8/10/2019
- Lecture 2, 10/10/2019
- Lecture 3, 15/10/2019
- Lecture 4, 17/10/2019
- Lecture 5, 22/10/2019
- Lecture 6, 24/10/2019
- Lecture 7, 29/10/2019
- Lecture 8, 31/10/2019
- Lecture 9, 5/11/2019
- Lecture 10, 7/11/2019
- Lecture 11, 12/11/2019
- Lecture 12, 14/11/2019
- Lecture 13, 19/11/2019
- Lecture 14, 21/11/2019
- Lecture 15, 26/11/2019
- Lecture 16, 28/11/2019
- Lecture 17, 3/12/2019
- Lecture 18, 5/12/2019
- Lecture 19, 10/12/2019
- Lecture 20, 12/12/2019
- Lecture 21, 17/12/2019
Exam Dates
- The date is defined with the teacher.
Exam rules: Each student selects one of the following topics and produces a short report (between 5 and 10 pages) that will be discussed at the exam:
- Use either Sibilla or one of the tools listed above to model a scenario. Examples of possible scenarios are:
- …
- Study one of the following topics:
- Statistical Model Checking (study the methods that was not considered in the lectures)
- Smoothed model checking (A technique for parameter optimisation)
- A student can suggest a topic of her/his interest.