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Double Degree with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
- Business Information Systems
Mobility Scheme UNICAM –> RU
- Semesters 1,2 @ UNICAM – Year 1, enrollment @ UNICAM
- Semester 3 @ FHNW – Year 2
- Semester 4 – Co-supervised MSc Thesis @ FHNW or UNICAM
Academic Calendar at FHNW - Mobility of UNICAM → FHNW students must happen at the beginning of September (preliminary courses available)
- Semester I (Fall Semester) at Olten starts around 15th September every year
- Semester I at Olten ends in January
- Semester II (Spring Semester) at Olten starts in mid February
- Semester II at Olten ends in May
Study Plan of Year 1, Semesters 1 and 2 at Camerino
- Mandatory courses:
- Complex Systems Design 12 ECTS
- Distributed Calculus and Coordination 12 ECTS
- Financial Management and Strategy 6 ECTS
- Choice of 24 ECTS (in both groups):
- Software Development Group
- Modelling and Analysis Group
Study Plan of Year 2, Semester 3 at FHNW
- Mandatory (24 ECTS):
- Business Process Management 6 ECTS
- Competitive Strategy in the Information Age 6 ECTS
- Enterprise Architecture 6 ECTS
- Information Management 6 ECTS
- Choice (6 ECTS):
- Business Intelligence 6 ECTS
- Compliance Management and Governance of IT 6 ECTS
- E-Business and Mobile Business 6 ECTS
- Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Technologies 6 ECTS
- Knowledge Management and Competence Development 6 ECTS
- Modeling, Simulation and Optimization 6 ECTS
- Quantitative Methods for Business 6 ECTS
- Supply Chain Management 6 ECTS
- Challenging International Managers and Leaders 6 ECTS
- Practice-oriented Research Project 6 ECTS
Study Plan of Year 2, Semester 4:
- Semester 4 is devoted to the development of the Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
- The student can stay at FHNW or at Camerino or travel occasionally from one place to the other
- The Thesis must be co-supervised: 1 supervisor @ UNICAM (relatore) and 1 supervisor @ FHNW
- The defense (prelaurea) is done with a joint committee of teachers from UNICAM and FHNW