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Double Degree with Middlesex University, London (MDX)
- Computer Networks
Mobility Scheme UNICAM --> MDX
- Years 1,2 @ UNICAM, enrollment @ UNICAM
- Year 3 @ MDX, final dissertation @ UNICAM
Academic Calendar at MDX
Note: Mobility of UNICAM → MDX students must happen at the beginning of September
- Courses at MDX lasts for 9 months, from September to May
Study Plan of Years 1 and 2 at Camerino
- Mandatory courses (120 ECTS):
- All the courses as specified for the first two years of Laurea in Informatica (L-31)
Study Plan of Year 3 at MDX
- Mandatory (60 ECTS):
- CCM3411 Distributed Systems 15 ECTS
- CCM3415 Advanced Network Design and Security 15 ECTS
- CCM3413 Mobile Internet Applications and Services 15 ECTS
- CCM3422 Computer Communication Project 15 ECTS