Note:The courses at Catamarca are taught in Spanish


  • Complex Systems Engineering

Mobility Scheme UNICAM --> UNCa

  • Semesters 1,2 @ UNICAM – Year 1, enrollment @ UNICAM
  • Semester 3 @ UNCa – Year 2
  • Semester 4 – Co-supervised MSc Thesis @ UNCa or UNICAM

Academic Calendar at UNCa

Mobility of UNICAM → UNCa students must happen at the end of July

  • Semester I (Spring Semester) at Catamarca starts at the beginning of August every year
  • Semester I at Catamarca ends before Christmas
  • Semester II (Fall Semester) at Catamarca starts in March
  • Semester II at Catamarca ends in July

Study Plan of Year 1, Semesters 1 and 2 at Camerino

  • Mandatory courses:
    • Complex Systems Design 12 ECTS
    • Distributed Calculus and Coordination 12 ECTS
  • Choice of 30 ECTS (in both groups):
    • Software Development Group
    • Modelling and Analysis Group

Study Plan of Year 2, Semester 3 at UNCa

  • Mandatory (24 ECTS):
    • Arquitectura de Software 6 ECTS
    • Ingeniería del Software III 6 ECTS
    • Modelos y Simulación 6 ECTS
    • Programacion III 6 ECTS (*)

(*) Only if “Tecnologie del Web” or “Programmazione Web” NOT previously taken at UNICAM

  • Choice 12 ECTS (or 18 ECTS if not Programacion III):
    • C2 - Inteligencia Empresarial 6 ECTS
    • A2 - Administración de Redes 6 ECTS
    • B2 - Entornos Virtuales de Trabajo Colaborativo 6 ECTS
    • D2 - Lenguajes y Arquitecturas para Geoservicios 6 ECTS

Study Plan of Year 2, Semester 4

  • Semester 4 is devoted to the development of the Master Thesis, 30 ECTS
  • The student can stay at Catamarca or at Camerino or travel occasionally from one place to the other
  • The Thesis must be co-supervised: 1 supervisor @ UNICAM (relatore) and 1 supervisor @ UNCa
  • The defense (prelaurea) is done with a joint committee of teachers from UNICAM and UNCa