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Thesis Procedures
In the following all the information you need to activate and progress with the thesis procedures. Different rules apply to undergraduate and graduate students.
Date di Laurea - Graduation Dates
- A.A. 2018/2019 - A.Y. 2018/2019
- Sessione Primaverile: 15 Aprile 2020 - Spring Session: April 15th, 2020 - Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form (for MSc in Computer Science): 16/11/2019 - Intermediate Evaluation (for MSc in Computer Science): middle of January.
- A.A. 2019/2020 - A.Y. 2019/2020
- Sessione Estiva: 22 Luglio 2020 - Summer session: July 22nd, 2020 - Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form (for MSc in Computer Science): 23/02/2020 - Intermediate Evaluation (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of May 2020.
- Sessione Autunnale: 28 Ottobre 2020 - Fall session: October 28th, 2020 - Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form (for MSc in Computer Science): 27/04/2020 - Intermediate Evaluation (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of July 2020.
- Sessione Invernale: 28 Gennaio 2021 - Winter Session: January 28th, 2021 - Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form (for MSc in Computer Science): 31/07/2020 - Intermediate Evaluation (for MSc in Computer Science): beginning of November 2020.
- Sessione Primaverile: 14 Aprile 2021 - Spring Session: April 14th, 2021 - Deadline for presenting Thesis Registration Form (for MSc in Computer Science): 15/11/2020 - Intermediate Evaluation (for MSc in Computer Science): middle of January 2021.
Template Latex
Laurea in Informatica (L-31)
- Regolamento tesi attuale (applicato agli studenti immatricolati a partire dall'A.A. 2015/2016)
- Regolamento tesi precedente (applicato agli studenti immatricolati nell'A.A. 2014/2015 o precedenti)
MSc in Computer Science (LM-18)
- Regolamento di Laurea (Italian), applied to students enrolled at the first year in the A.Y. 2016/2017 - Original Document in Italian
- Thesis Procedure (English Translation), applied to students enrolled at the first year in the A.Y. 2016/2017 - Translation in English
The school of sciences and technologies council, on June 13th 2018, approved an amendment to the thesis procedures in relation to article 9. The change relates to the formula that will be used to calculate the final mark. In particular the mark will be computed as follows:
Degree mark = WM x 83/30 + IEM + DM + (L + DD) x 5/100
- WM represents the arithmetic mean of the marks of the exams in the last approved student study plan, weighted by the number of credits
- IEM represents the intermediate evaluation mark
- DM represents the defence mark, i.e. the mark got by the student at the defence (pre-laurea)
- L represents the total number of credits corresponding to the exams passed with honours (cum laude)
- DD represents the number of credits in the student study plan acquired in foreign universities participating to a Double Degree program with UNICAM.
Previous Thesis Procedures, applied to students enrolled in the first year at the A.Y. 2015/2016 or before:
Master Thesis Registration Form
Students whose Academic Year of First Enrolment at the MSc in Computer Science is 2016/17 or later must present the following form before the specified deadlines (see above) for each final exam session:
According to the new thesis procedures this new form (with attachments) must be electronically sent to the Coordinator of the MSc in Computer Science Prof. Michele Loreti.
Students whose Academic Year of First Enrolment at the MSc in Computer Science is 2015/16 or before must present the following form at least 5 months before the graduation date. The title and abstract, as well as the expected graduation session, are not definitive and can be changed in due course.
The signed form must be handed in to the Secretary Office “Polo degli Studenti” in Via D'Accorso SNC (Campus), Camerino.
Computation of Final Grade for MSc in Computer Science
The final grade is given on a scale of integer points between 66 and 110. There could be a special recognition “Cum Laude” over the grade of 110. The way to calculate the final grade starting from the grades taken on the courses of the MSc is illustrated in the following spreadsheets.
Students whose Academic Year of First Enrollment at the MSc in Computer Science is 2016/17 or later:
Students whose Academic Year of First Enrollment at the MSc in Computer Science is 2015/16 or before: