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didattica:ay2324:agd:main [2024/06/07 23:20] – [Study material] fabrizio | didattica:ay2324:agd:main [2024/06/19 19:09] (current) – [Examination] fabrizio |
| ====== Applied Game Design ====== |
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| ===== News ===== |
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| <wrap em>** 04-04-2024**</wrap>: Bring a pair of headphones each, we might need them for tomorrow's lecture 05-04-2024 |
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| <wrap em>** 17-03-2024**</wrap>: Next Lecture is cancelled, the next Friday is holiday, so see you on Friday |
| 05-04-2024 |
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| <wrap em>** 10-03-2024**</wrap>: the Microsoft Teams group has been created and students have been invited with the account. If you did not receive any invitation just send an email to |
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| ===== General Info ===== |
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| **Teacher**: |
| * [[|Prof. Fabrizio Fornari]] |
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| **ESSE3 Link** |
| * [[|Applied Game Design - AY 2023/24]] |
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| **Scheduling of Lectures**: |
| * Scheduling is available at the following [[:didattica:ay2324:orario_en|link]] |
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| **Degrees**: |
| * [[didattica:mscs|MSc in Computer Science (LM-18)]] |
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| **Scheduling of Lectures**: |
| | Friday | 08-03-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | AB1 | |
| | Friday | 15-03-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | AB1 | Andrea Assorgia's Seminar on VR starting at 16:00| |
| | <del>Friday</del> | <del>22-03-2024</del> | <del>14:00-18:00</del> | <del>AB1</del> |Lecture is canceled for personal reasons.| |
| | <del>Friday</del> | <del>29-03-2024</del> | <del>14:00-18:00</del> | <del>AB1</del> |Lecture is canceled. Apparently it's holiday :D| |
| | Friday | 05-04-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | Team Lab | |
| | Friday | 12-04-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | Team Lab | |
| | Friday | 19-04-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | AB1 | Francesco Bocci 14:30 - 15:30 | |
| | <del>Friday</del> | <del>26-04-2024?</del> | <del>14:00-18:00</del> | <del>AB1</del> | |
| | Friday | 03-05-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | AB1 | Gaia Amadori from 16:00 - 18:00| | |
| | <del>Friday</del> | <del>10-05-2024</del> | <del>14:00-18:00</del> | <del>AB1</del> | Festa dell'Informatica |
| | Friday | 17-05-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | Team Lab | Gianmarco Pinto | |
| | Friday | 24-05-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | Team Lab | Marco Spelgatti | |
| | Friday | 31-05-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | AB1 | Marco Vigelini | |
| | Friday | 07-06-2024 | 14:00-18:00 | AB1 | Alessandro Anglani from 15:00 | |
| | Friday | 14-06-2024 | 14:00-16:00 | AB1 | Silvio Ripetta from 15:00 | |
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| **Lectures Mode** |
| * Lectures will be delivered in different modalities: frontal lectures, seminars from experts of game design, and practical exercises and game development with Game Engine |
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| **Materials**: |
| * Students are requested to bring their laptop to each lecture |
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| ===== Study material ===== |
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| **Course Slides** |
| * {{ |00 - AGD - Course introduction - 08-03-2024}} |
| * {{ |01 - AGD - Second Lecture Part 1 - 15-03-2024}} |
| * {{ |02 - AGD - Third Lecture - 05-04-2024}} |
| * {{ |03- AGD - Fourth Lecture - 12-04-2024}} |
| * {{ |04 - AGD - Fifth Lecture - 19-04-2024}} |
| * {{ | 05 - AGD - Sixth Lecture - 03-05-2024}} |
| * {{ | 06 - AGD - Seventh Lecture - 17-05-2024}} |
| * {{ | 07 - AGD - Eighth Lecture - 24-05-2024}} |
| * {{ | 09- AGD - Tenth Lecture - 07-06-2024}} |
| * {{ | 10- AGD - Eleventh Lecture - 14-06-2024}} |
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| **Recordings** |
| *[[ |00 - AGD - Course introduction - 10-03-2024]] |
| *[[ |01 - AGD - Second Lecture Part 1 - 15-03-2024]] | [[ |
| |01 - AGD - Second Lecture Part 2 - Andrea Assorgia's Seminar - 15-03-2024]] |
| *[[ |02 - AGD - Third Lecture - 05-04-2024]] |
| *[[|03- AGD - Fourth Lecture - 12-04-2024]] |
| *[[|04- AGD - Fifth Lecture - 19-04-2024]]|[[| Francesco Bocci's Seminar - Video Game Therapy]] |
| *[[|05 - AGD - Sixth Lecture Part 1 - 03-05-2024 ]]|[[ | Gaia Amadori's Seminar - Video Games, Climate and Politics]] |
| *[[|06 - AGD - Gianmarco Pinto's Seminar - VideoGame Assessment - 17-05-2024]] | [[|06 - AGD - Seventh Lecture Part 2 - 17-05-2024 ]] |
| *[[|07 - AGD - Eighth Lecture - 24-05-2024]] | [[|07 - AGD - Marco Spelgatti's Seminar - Videogiochi e Sguardi Altri]] |
| *[[|08 - AGD - Marco Vigelini's Seminar - Comunicazione con i Videogiochi]] |
| *[[|09 - AGD - Alessandro Anglani's Seminar - Iperstorie e Meaningful Play]] |
| *[[|10 - AGD - Eleventh Lecture]] | [[|Silvio Ripetta's Seminar - Gli esports tra spazio e corpi organizzati. Scorci di sociomaterialità su inclusione e disabilità]] |
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| **Additional Material**: |
| * [[| Students Background Questionnaire]] |
| * [[| Game Design Guiding Questions]] |
| * [[| In Class Activity - The Pitch]] |
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| **Material Related to Seminars**: |
| * [[| Questionnaire about VR Experiences]] |
| * [[| Ranking for the Don't Be Shy Game!]] |
| * [[| Preparatory Material for Francesco Bocci's Seminar]] |
| * [[| Preparatory Material for Gaia Amadori's Seminar]] |
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| **Quests and Side-Quests** |
| * [[| "Reverse GDD" class-activity]] |
| * [[| Volounteers for the Evaluation Side-Quest that will take place on the 29th of April]] |
| * [[ |2𝑛𝑑 SQ Title: Find Them All! Upload your document on this Google Drive folder]] by Friday 14 June 2024 14:00 No extra time! You upload or edit at 14:01 you are excluded! |
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| ===== Examination ===== |
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| The examination will consist in the evaluation of the following activities that students are requested to carry out. |
| * **Writing of a game report** with information about games you have played so far (those that have been most important to you let's say or those that you can recall) described based on the characteristics that we will introduce during the lectures (check the slides). |
| * **Writing of a Game Design Document**, reporting your idea and design of an Applied Game |
| * **Demonstration of a tool** you practiced with game development tools |
| * **Deliver a Pitch** |
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