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didattica:magistrale:kebi:ay_1920:main [2020/05/27 11:06]
knut [Study material]
didattica:magistrale:kebi:ay_1920:main [2020/10/06 16:08] (current)
knut [Exams]
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 <WRAP box round 95% center> <WRAP box round 95% center>
 +=== Dear students, ===
 +We will have an additional lecture on **Wednesday,​ 3rd of June, 12:45pm - 2:00pm**. The link is [[https://​fhnw.zoom.us/​j/​95153387074]]
 +We will give a short repetition of the topics and how they relate to each other. Furthermore,​ there will be a Q&A session.
 +Best regards,
 === Dear students, === === Dear students, ===
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 Holger Wache  Holger Wache 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 ---- ----
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     * Poster: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​kebi:​ay_1819:​better_reports_poster_by_ibcs.pdf |Better Reports}}     * Poster: {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​kebi:​ay_1819:​better_reports_poster_by_ibcs.pdf |Better Reports}}
     * [[https://​fhnw.zoom.us/​rec/​share/​_-p8Fp7B9CRLGYnXz0TnfqoDO47aeaa80yQZ_PQMz0vdMSEJnc9CETm9Kv-yILgP | Recording]] (Password on request)     * [[https://​fhnw.zoom.us/​rec/​share/​_-p8Fp7B9CRLGYnXz0TnfqoDO47aeaa80yQZ_PQMz0vdMSEJnc9CETm9Kv-yILgP | Recording]] (Password on request)
 +  * {{ :​didattica:​magistrale:​kebi:​ay_1920:​ke-repetition.pdf |Repetition Session}}
 +    * [[https://​fhnw.zoom.us/​rec/​share/​psorKOHc6lpJfNbquU2GB7cvBYnveaa80CEYrKdexB2AG2LEdo7cypIVpjQVKdPS | Recording]] (Password on request)
 /* /*
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 <WRAP box round center 95%> <WRAP box round center 95%>
 **Exam Dates A.Y. 2019/2020** **Exam Dates A.Y. 2019/2020**
-  * to be announced+  * 15th of June 2020 
 +  * 30th of June 2020 
 +  * 29th of July 2020 
 +  * 5th Of October 2020 
 +  * 2nd of November 2020 
 +  * [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1DAifL0KXWsyr-rwhFDISwb2RKcNn21TBptM1Kqz2Nlo/​edit?​usp=sharing | Please select an exam slot from the schedule]]
 **Exam rules**: ​ **Exam rules**: ​